Simple recipes



I like to get fresh tomatoes and slice them up, put on some nice olive oil and finely chop some red onion, add 2 cans of tuna (good quality), and some of those giant capers.

I really enjoy that after a run or for a light dinner if I’ve had a heavy lunch.
Going to try this brotherman


Which way?! Medium or well done?
I stumbled upon a pretty nice sausage and peppers recipe on youtube. Chop up the sausage into lil bitesized chunks, throw them in a frying pan and make sure they're evenly cooked. While that's happening, chop up a pepper into again, bitesized chunks. When the sausage looks cooked, take it out and put it in a bowl, then put the peppers in the pan and make sure to get them coated in the sausage grease. Chop up 1/5th of an onion and add it to the peppers, then when the peppers/onions start looking cooked, re-add the sausage to the mix.

Open up a bread roll and stuff it with as much of the mix as you can, then save the rest for tomorrow. No spices or seasonings or sauces required, the sausage grease is basically the sauce.

Four ingredients (three if you skip the sandwich part and just eat it out of a bowl) some light chopping and it still tastes great even if you overcook it.
Deglaze with a little bit of vinegar and a pinch of sugar and it will be an actual sauce. Add oregano.

Brooke Shields

Patrick Tomlinson hates me because I am a woman