Silvio Dante


Have you seen the The Sopranos movie? He exposed himself of being carried hard by a literal Ivy league graduate writing staff on the show. Without them, you get pozzed nonsense like Saints.
Terrence Winter didn't graduate from an Ivy league school- either did Matt Weiner or Mitchell Burgess and Robin Green. It seems he went out of his way to not have a room full of Ivy League writers.


The floor is lava, dude.
Terrence Winter didn't graduate from an Ivy league school- either did Matt Weiner or Mitchell Burgess and Robin Green. It seems he went out of his way to not have a room full of Ivy League writers.
Well, I was being facetious when I said "Ivy League" (shouldn't have thrown the word "literal"in there). Even still, there's a stark difference between Saints and The Sopranos.


Silvio talking to Tony about Ralph beating Tracey the stripper to death.....then pausing and saying "over what was it again?" will never not be funny. Silvio freaking out over getting NY Jets tickets and having to miss it for Livia Soprano's funeral was great. Him having panic attacks like Tony and Bobby harassing him at his house "Sil....I needed to talk to you".

The character has a bunch of good low key funny moments. Him arguing with Paulie and then Paulie calling him a "wormy cocksucker" to try to throw off the scent of him leaking stuff to NY. Silvio having nightmares about Pussy being a literal giant rat in a mousetrap. Complaining about Artie's bread being from the "bread museum". "There you were....your head in the toilet....I said my piece Christopher!!".

And Sil attacking the writer JT over how Michael Myers from Halloween was not supernatural but was an "escaped mental patient" and starting to lose his mind to the point where people have to calm him down was great. Sil secretly loves horror movies.
Him reading his testimonial to Christopher like a 3rd grader in front of a class was fantastic.


Well, I was being facetious when I said "Ivy League" (shouldn't have thrown the word "literal"in there). Even still, there's a stark difference between Saints and The Sopranos.