Should I get circumcised?

Yes or no?

  • Yes

    Votes: 7 25.0%
  • No

    Votes: 21 75.0%

  • Total voters


This forum saved my life!
We brits don't get circumcised because we aren't religious zealots who mutilate ourselves for jesus, but this girl I am seeing won't fellate me unless I'm foreskinless, turns out she is very ocd about germs and shit and thinks aids can hide in your hood. Despite being moronic she's really hot by my standards so I think I'm going to get it done.

So yanks, how bad does it hurt (I'm 25 btw)? How long does it take to recover? What's the odds ill die under the knife? Can some of you please post pics of yours so I can see what it will look like? Preferably erect and leaking.

Uncle Floyd

Nice try, Floyd.
My doctor told me I have a partial circumsion. Apparently they didn't lop off enough, so I have some foreskin, but it's not long enough to look like an asshole sitting at the end of my dick.

EDIT: oh shit, I haven't told anyone this but you lot seem like you might get a kick out of it. The area beneath my foreskin had been smelling fishy for a few months. I tried everything: washing it with antibacterial soap, specially formulated pH-balanced soap, etc. But it'd just start smelling bad again. I hadn't put my dick in anything weird and there weren't any visible signs (no smegma cheese, no rash).

No clue what:s causing it. I haven't fucked any dirty chicks and my wife's clam is fucking pristine. Like the Holy Mother's cunt. Immaculate.

Jump ahead: my dog had a wound on his ass. So I fuck him in his little pink ass! No. I don't fuck my dog. But he has a wound from chewing on a bug bite and the vet gives us some sort of foam to help it heal. Anti-bacterial and anti-fungal. I'd read something about fungus and get a bright idea. I pumped a bit of his foam in my hand, pull down my drawers and rub it on and around the head of my dick. No lie, the stink was gone after one application. It hasn't stunk since.

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We brits don't get circumcised because we aren't religious zealots who mutilate ourselves for jesus, but this girl I am seeing won't fellate me unless I'm foreskinless, turns out she is very ocd about germs and shit and thinks aids can hide in your hood. Despite being moronic she's really hot by my standards so I think I'm going to get it done.

So yanks, how bad does it hurt (I'm 25 btw)? How long does it take to recover? What's the odds ill die under the knife? Can some of you please post pics of yours so I can see what it will look like? Preferably erect and leaking.
No one gets circumcised for Jesus you dolt.
I'm English and one of my first memories is being in a hospital bed with my cock in a bandage as my dick was too big for the foreskin. I don't remember much pain but I do remember being in a hospital bed next to someone I would go to school with for the next 11 years. We never mentioned it. I think he was in for the same thing.


(Voluntarily) torqued boomer
We brits don't get circumcised because we aren't religious zealots who mutilate ourselves for jesus, but this girl I am seeing won't fellate me unless I'm foreskinless, turns out she is very ocd about germs and shit and thinks aids can hide in your hood. Despite being moronic she's really hot by my standards so I think I'm going to get it done.

So yanks, how bad does it hurt (I'm 25 btw)? How long does it take to recover? What's the odds ill die under the knife? Can some of you please post pics of yours so I can see what it will look like? Preferably erect and leaking.