Should I end my relationship with my family?

Give them time. Maybe you just shouldn't discuss politics with your family. I think some people reach an age where they don't want to know how fucked the world is anymore. Especially when they spent 40+ years voting to fuck it up. Be a good son and discuss the weather and how their garden is doing. Bring a bottle of wine round with you and pay for them to have dinner out now and then to remind them you care. Abandon your family? What are you NINE???


Alot of the 'woke' shit was designed to split families up during dinner table tawk.

You think "ok boomer" isn't a weaponized meme? Wait ten years when these snotty zoomer-permed fags have authority and ability to fuck with your lives. (Generational 'strife' will be as huge as racial soon, especially when shit collapses and a lot of upper-mid class boomers without family/clout get blamed for their bachelor-hedonism. (Nana, you're going to get lynched by a bunch of zoomer niggers is my point).


They call me a racist, Say I'm not doing my full potential even thou I havn't asked any one for money since like '05. they don't like the sopranos, they don't "get" norm, they think MJ raped kids, they think Alex Jones is evil, they are pro LGBT.....

the list goes on.

Also, they "tell" me about the government even thou I was in the military for 12 years.

.... Sorry, life sucks
You’re always welcome here, you frightening maniac.


Give them time. Maybe you just shouldn't discuss politics with your family. I think some people reach an age where they don't want to know how fucked the world is anymore. Especially when they spent 40+ years voting to fuck it up. Be a good son and discuss the weather and how their garden is doing. Bring a bottle of wine round with you and pay for them to have dinner out now and then to remind them you care. Abandon your family? What are you NINE???
Try the wine!!