Shit for brains Biden fell off his bike.


Stand Alone Fruit
I've fallen in the same scenario. His foot got stuck in the peddle harness, which he didn't need in the first place on such leisurely ride.

I wish they would make fun of him on late shows, but they won't. Which sucks.
They won’t even make fun of democrats even though there’s plenty to mock. They let AOC come on their shows and say the most idiotic things and just nodded and smiled.


Stand Alone Fruit
Too many people. The fact that Colbert is as popular as he is explains it.

We're too based to watch that stuff, but not the rest of America.
People watch late night but the ratings are nowhere near where they were with Letterman and Leno. Colbert at best gets 3.5 million and that’s a big night but Leno used to get 5-6 million on a repeat. Also, these late night shows get ratings from people falling asleep with the tv on. I think it was Carson Daly when he had his 1 am show that they know the majority of people watching are asleep from the previous show.
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How the fuck was he allowed to ride a bike outside in public? It's like they actually want him to be humiliated.

It's as if they're rubbing it in the faces of Americans by saying, "we can take the president, who we fraudulently put into office, who's got dementia and make him fall over and embarrass the country and there's nothing you can do about it. Oh, and watch us give more money to Israel too".


How the fuck was he allowed to ride a bike outside in public? It's like they actually want him to be humiliated.

It's as if they're rubbing it in the faces of Americans by saying, "we can take the president, who we fraudulently put into office, who's got dementia and make him fall over and embarrass the country and there's nothing you can do about it. Oh, and watch us give more money to Israel too".
They're setting up to admit to his dementia and replace him with Harris.