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My friend tried to quote Randy Savage's 'I'm the cream of the crop' promo, except he said 'I'm the condensed milk' and then I did the impersonation and said 'yeah huh, you can leave me in the back of the pantry for years' and for some reason we laughed hysterically for 1.7 minutes.



"He's ducking through the alleys!"
I was going down an escalator with one of my coworker pals at the time. There was a chick in front of us. We were discussing hot women from around the office. So I continue the conversation, we were talking about this lovely gal and I went "YEAH, SHE'S HOT AS FUCK!". In a loud voice. The girl in front of us turns back with a smile, she thought we were talking about her.

Me and my pal as if on queue look at each other and start laughing hysterically. Like we just heard the world's funniest joke.

Poor girl turned again with a miserable expression on her face as if we had just crushed her. She wasn't even ugly or anything, just normal. But we just somehow could not pass a chance to be dicks and destroy a woman's self esteem. Poor thing.


I was going down an escalator with one of my coworker pals at the time. There was a chick in front of us. We were discussing hot women from around the office. So I continue the conversation, we were talking about this lovely gal and I went "YEAH, SHE'S HOT AS FUCK!". In a loud voice. The girl in front of us turns back with a smile, she thought we were talking about her.

Me and my pal as if on queue look at each other and start laughing hysterically. Like we just heard the world's funniest joke.

Poor girl turned again with a miserable expression on her face as if we had just crushed her. She wasn't even ugly or anything, just normal. But we just somehow could not pass a chance to be dicks and destroy a woman's self esteem. Poor thing.
That reminds me of one of my favorite bits. When you're talking face to face with a broad, just start staring at her forehead. Eventually she'll ask what you're looking at, and that's when you go "Huh? Oh nothing." And never tell her.

If it sounds retarded, that's because you're a man. It has never not worked on any woman I've tried it on. Been doing it since I was 16 sniiiffff. Even made one girl cry. I asked an ex-girlfriend about it, thinking she'd also find it funny. She was legitimately horrified and said "Oh my god, that's so mean! You're giving girls complexes!" Thanks for the unintentional encouragement, stupid.

Women are fucking idiots.


"He's ducking through the alleys!"
That reminds me of one of my favorite bits. When you're talking face to face with a broad, just start staring at her forehead. Eventually she'll ask what you're looking at, and that's when you go "Huh? Oh nothing." And never tell her.

If it sounds retarded, that's because you're a man. It has never not worked on any woman I've tried it on. Been doing since I was 16 sniiiffff. Even made one girl cry. I asked an ex-girlfriend about it, thinking she'd also find it funny. She was legitimately horrified and said "Oh my god, that's so mean! You're giving girls complexes!" Thanks for the unintentional encouragement, stupid.

Women are fucking idiots.
OK, this I have to fucking try. It sounds hilarious. Is there an endgame to this or just want to mess with their heads?


OK, this I have to fucking try. It sounds hilarious. Is there an endgame to this or just want to mess with their heads?
Do it, it'll work. Especially on really attractive women. For me, there's no endgame or anything. It's just hilarious knowing such a small thing will genuinely get under their skin.

Some men just want to watch the world burn.

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