Say hello to Fortune Teller Pat




Never seen a person who sees what he wants to see more than our little pig.

SpaceEdge literally told him his mother's middle name is Raven and he could not accept The Capstone being right about one thing.

Same goes for every aspect of his life. Just an autistic narcissistic retard.


If you care so much about politics write a book about politics you fucking fat idiot.
I still don't understand why he hasn't pivoted to that. His thousands of followers are not following him for Space McDonalds stories. They probably wouldnt buy his political books either, but at least your Twitter would actually be a marketing tool other than pity selling 5 books a month.
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I still don't understand why he hasn't puvoted to that. His thousands of followers are not following him for Space McDonalds stories. They probably wouldnt buy his political books either, but at least your Twitter would actually be a marketing tool other than pity selling 5 books a month.
What the hell would he write about besides Krump Bad? He has no experience other than couching.

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
I still don't understand why he hasn't puvoted to that. His thousands of followers are not following him for Space McDonalds stories. They probably wouldnt buy his political books either, but at least your Twitter would actually be a marketing tool other than pity selling 5 books a month.
He would also get sued into dust for libel at some point.


ImJustJenAndImEnough, AndImGreatAtJewingStuff
He tweeted that an hour ago. No likes, no retweets, no replies. Nice engagement, stupid.

What are you supposed to say to that? It's such an awkward place to put another person. Validate me as the special boy who saw everything coming, or deny my delusions of grandeur and start an internet fight. The best option is to simply ignore the fat man who butted into your conversation to say how smart he is.


If I remember correctly, Pat wrote an article for the Hill a week or two before the 2016 Presidential election saying the Repulicans were done as a party and would never win an election again. Nice prediction, stupid.

The Party has only just begun-- Quasimodo predicted all of this.