SADS can't come fast enough


Powdered Toast Man

Former Prez Gerald Ford

Come over and we’ll have nachos. And some beer.
In a way this could be end up being a good thing.. the mask has come off completely and they are nakedly acknowledging that you have no right to protest unless it’s in support of white depopulation efforts like abortion, mass immigration and LGBT trannyism. Of course what exactly can be done to combat any of their satanic Jewish agenda moving forward is hard to say since you can’t even organize online much less in person anymore. But I’m not sure if organizing on a nationwide scale is even ideal at this point.. just find like-minded people in your own communities and dig in your heels because things are going to escalate quickly


It's not REALLY Ray Wilson
Of course, a bunch of unarmed stupid boomers taking selfies at the Capital is a "violent insurrection".

I will start to give 2 shits about that as soon as these faggots give a shit about the Black Panther Party invading the California Capital Building in 1967, the crybabies occupying the Hart Senate Offices during the Kavanaugh temper tantrums, Antifa burning down minority owned businesses and assaulting citizens, the recent faggot trying to kill Kavanaugh, or the bombing of a pro-life center recently.

Go kill yourselves, faggots.


Shane Noakes' rabbi raped his 9 year old dick off.
This is what happens when the hardest thing you've done in your life is dress up like a faggot and read some kike's lines about pew pew space shit. Then poof you're rich. Look at him. He's a little boy.
How small a faggot do you have to be to sit injun style in an office chair?

Good times have made weak manlets indeed.