Ron DeSantis is a Real Ass Dude


Gen Z Boss And A Mini
He never cucked to the lockdown

That was dope
Sure, but another way to look at it is they were A/B testing this stuff. And even if most jews didn't like his lockdown reaction, he has to try to appeal to a base and get re-elected.

If I recall correctly, it was Florida who announced two of the youngest COVID-19 deaths over one weekend during the summer of 2020. The health department was giving a press conference about it to drum up fear that COVID was real. A journalist asked for details of the deaths and the health department guy said, "Well, the 19 year old was in a motorcycle accident."

So yeah, after that, DeSantis had a lot of leeway.


I have a face like a shovel
whenever you guys do that "DeSantis/Isreal shill" bit, I always read it in my head with the "duh voice"

the "Duh Voice" aka the "Corky from Life Goes On Voice" aka the "Dumb caller Voice"

why? because you all sound like /pol-tards who are just regurgitating the same point



Stand Alone Fruit
He might be the best chance the republicans have for the party nomination. He’s only in his mid 40s which helps especially id the other choice is pudding brain Joe who looks 10 years older than he really is. He’s been running FL which conservatives all over wish the country was run like FL. Plus he doesn’t tweet so that appeals to the moderate / undecided.


I have a face like a shovel
i always think he's's that eddy munster haircut that makes me think that

I know he has a hot, i think he's a wop given his last name

he's a high class wop because has a italian last name that doesn't end in a vowel.......that's like a mark that your high class in our culture


Gen Z Boss And A Mini
whenever you guys do that "DeSantis/Isreal shill" bit, I always read it in my head with the "duh voice"

the "Duh Voice" aka the "Corky from Life Goes On Voice" aka the "Dumb caller Voice"

why? because you all sound like /pol-tards who are just regurgitating the same point

That's called the 'hurr durr' voice.

Anyway, you have it backwards. The normies have that voice. It's the more sophisticated anti-semites that don't.

If you want to know what's going on in the country and why, you need to follow both Jewish media outlets like Haaretz and White nationalists. Normies do neither.

I was a former normie.

I'm no happier today than when I was a normie, but at least I understand. For me that was the most important part. I'm able to make accurate predictions now.


I have a face like a shovel
I'm no happier today than when I was a normie
I always thought normies were happy

They could enjoy Marvel movies, and not think about how Steve Ditko got fucked over.
They could watch tv, and not think about how (((they))) are just influencing everyone
They can masturbate to internet porn, and not think about how it is "the Devil"

I bring up "hurr durr" mostly because it's SUCH a boring trope on /'s like not even profound anymore

in closing, If you take one thing from I just say it's that internet porn REALLY is the devil.....stay away from that shit

Uncle Floyd

Nice try, Floyd.
not the current ones. Try and find one from the mid 90's

What? You don't find this attractive?


I remember when liberals gave him shit for not attending something a few months ago and come to find out he was in the hospital with his wife who was getting cancer treatments and like a bunch of catty women, didn't acknowledge they were wrong and moved on to attacking him for something else.

Punished Dan Mullen

Calamari Ring Leader