Roland is truly evil. Why don't we talk more about him?

Josef Kuminski

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correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Roland a nepotism baby? Hid father works for for some publicist place in NY, hence Roland got into media.

I can't judge too much 'cus (never mind)
Roland’s dad was some high end Chef. Roland was Carson Daily’s personal assistant.

Erocks dad worked in the record industry and was probably friends with some exec at XM.

Sam’s dad was an advertising executive who made a lot of money, so that his mentally ill wife could stay home and coddle their genetic monstrosity of a child.

All three spoiled rich kids. All three manchildren. All three faggots.
Roland was Carson Daily’s personal assistant.

Roland was an intern for one of the late night shows.

probably friends with some exec at XM.

Opie hired Erik "Sexbagel" the Wackbag fanboy. That's it. End of story.


What the fuck was Roland's deal. Why was everyone afraid to anger him. How the fuck does he secure so many celebrity guests and connections.

Roland's only function with the show was to book guests and handle them as they arrived. Roland worked at a talent agency in NYC before coming on board full time with us. He already had connections with PR reps and companies. What did you think? Roland just knew all these celebrities through social circles? Y'all fucking REALLY stupid.

If you wanted guests, the hosts needed to be nice to Roland. You can't call the guy a fat bloated pig and expect to book Clooney the following week. Or if you had Clooney booked already and called him a pig, suddenly Clooney's people had to cancel. You understand yet?
Roland's only function with the show was to book guests and handle them as they arrived. Roland worked at a talent agency in NYC before coming on board full time with us. He already had connections with PR reps and companies. What did you think? Roland just knew all these celebrities through social circles? Y'all fucking REALLY stupid.

Bro I'm asking some basic questions you don't have to be a condescending ass Daniel.
Bro I'm asking some basic questions you don't have to be a condescending ass Daniel.

No it's stupid. It's like asking "How did Mars get that engineering job? His dad was probably some rich cunt with connections."

How does Roland book all these guests? He got a job at a talent booking agency. He's been at Sirius with the booking team since 2010.

What's next, you wanna know how the McDonalds man cooks all those burgers?


I Am Racist Man Leader of the Digital Ku Klux Klan
No it's stupid. It's like asking "How did Mars get that engineering job? His dad was probably some rich cunt with connections."

How does Roland book all these guests? He got a job at a talent booking agency. He's been at Sirius with the booking team since 2010.

What's next, you wanna know how the McDonalds man cooks all those burgers?
Shoo Shoo Unwanted Jew. nobody wants your "contributions" to threads that not only aren't about you but never mentioned you.


It's not REALLY Ray Wilson
You can tell by the way some people act unwarranted why their lives turn out the way that they did.

Especially when they constantly whine about a host who was an asshole, then come here only to act out the same behavior.

We hate in others what we see in ourselves.
Did he play into the foodie thing for da show, or was he really that annoying about it?

Yup. Everything was fake and scripted. As soon as one show ended we started working on 4+ hours of dialog for the next day. Roland & Fez' real voice was very deep and normal. Bobo actually has a Masters in bioengineering and Big A didn't stutter at all. Intern David was an actor we hired.

Racist Google Intern

Please watch the Itchy and Scratchy Friends Hour!
Yup. Everything was fake and scripted. As soon as one show ended we started working on 4+ hours of dialog for the next day. Roland & Fez' real voice was very deep and normal. Bobo actually has a Masters in bioengineering and Big A didn't stutter at all.
Oh so you actually are good at guitar hero and aren't an insufferable kike, good to know.
I always thought he was annoying, but I came to truly hate him after Erock's fake sick day. He blows Eric's cover, openly mocks him on the air and when Eric calls him an asshole he gives the tickets meant for Eric to someone else without telling him.

On one hand, it's hilarious imagining fat, dopy Eric moping around on the sidewalk, lip quivering over his lost tickets. On the other, fuck that muttering, stuttering fuck.