Rittenhouse MEGATHREAD


T. Clair Binger reportedly has lived with a male Kenosha judge:




Farted in Nikis pussy
T. Clair Binger reportedly has lived with a male Kenosha judge:


Hes a faaaaaaaag

I was just getting ready to post this.

Its also reported that binger had an email of flufferboy2004


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The Daily Mail released screenshots of the defense's Motion for Mistrial last night. It's an amazing document full of new info:

And the jump kick nigger reached out to Binger and they never brought him as a witness so the state literally hid him from the defense. There's numerous instances allowing a mistrial.


If youve followed the trial at all, give this a watch.

-Gay Grosskreutz wearing his PARAMEDIC hat for his interview
-The nig “influencer” was scared when he heard gunshots “because he’s black and thought he’d be a target” really.
-Anthony Huber is a hero
-His girlfriend (the one he strangled?) is a green haired goblin who was rioting too
-Kyle Rittenhouse has been seen flashing “white supremacy” symbols.
-Rosenbaum molesting 5 boys under 11 years old never mentioned.

I hope whoever created this is sued and has to rent a shitty Milwaukee half novel somewhere.



I keep two tabs up during the trial; one stream of the raw audio/visual of the trial, the other with Rekieta Law's stream. I mute Rekieta's stream during the proceedings because they talk over the speakers in the court. I unmute Rekieta during breaks to hear his and the other lawyers' analyses of what we just watched.

Rekieta stream now:

Court stream now:

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