Rittenhouse MEGATHREAD


Who was that streamer who was hosting the Chauvin trial and is he streaming this one? The chat was really good.

Another live link:



Who was that streamer who was hosting the Chauvin trial and is he streaming this one? The chat was really good.

Another live link:

Austin Zone. I’m sure he will.


The Night Time Attitude
Something like that. He has a glock in his hand in the one photo clearly and he was just trying to get close enough to shoot him in the head. But you'll never charge the jewish militia antifa.
What a faggot. Nice bicep, stupid



I think women are a good thing. Likely to have material feelings towards him.
Yes. Also, I heard most of the jury selection. Lots of conservatives in that community. Many of the women talked about being involved with church and that they were very stressed out during the riots. Conservative moms are super protective of their kids and will see him as a boy that could have been one of theirs - a boy raised to serve his community from dangerous outsiders (BLM, etc.).