Rittenhouse MEGATHREAD


Judge is giving the defense an out to name the three faggots as "criminals" if the defense can prove that, and clearly they were. The blown up arm kike literally drew his gun on Kyle with feigning surrender.



May St. Mel bless you
I'm hopeful Chauvin's conviction satiated the liberals' bloodlust. Jurors are more likely to be older and homeowners, so that will help our boy. And I'm confidant most Kenoshans understand the police were in the right to shoot Jacob Blake, so the riots were bullshit.

Kind of want this trial to be as big as Zimmerman's, for the liberal tears of course, but also don't want our boy to go through that. He's going to have a hard time even after his acquittal, and it will be about 19 years before we can vote for him for president.


I'm hopeful Chauvin's conviction satiated the liberals' bloodlust. Jurors are more likely to be older and homeowners, so that will help our boy. And I'm confidant most Kenoshans understand the police were in the right to shoot Jacob Blake, so the riots were bullshit.

Kind of want this trial to be as big as Zimmerman's, for the liberal tears of course, but also don't want our boy to go through that. He's going to have a hard time even after his acquittal, and it will be about 19 years before we can vote for him for president.
Zimmerman while being a fat faggot, didn't do anything wrong. Niggers were robbing that area constantly and the cops were useless. I watched the trial cover to cover and the deathknell in the case was the fact that Trayvon (dumb nigger name) lost Zimmerman for nearly five minutes and went out of his way to come back and attack him.

It came out later that neck pillow Patrice monster that posed as his girlfriend wasn't his girlfriend at all since the real one didn't want to testify, so they got that mess to lie on the stand.

Gay Faggot.

I am Dan.
Zimmerman while being a fat faggot, didn't do anything wrong. Niggers were robbing that area constantly and the cops were useless. I watched the trial cover to cover and the deathknell in the case was the fact that Trayvon (dumb nigger name) lost Zimmerman for nearly five minutes and went out of his way to come back and attack him.

It came out later that neck pillow Patrice monster that posed as his girlfriend wasn't his girlfriend at all since the real one didn't want to testify, so they got that mess to lie on the stand.
Tony……..Cumia? It all makes sense now.


Any time I see someone bring up Trayvon I just think of Cumia non stop watching it. This country wasted hours of time watching a case where both people should have just been dead. That’s it. Zimmerman got off like he should of according to the law but he’s a faggot. Hours of gayness.
Politically motivated with weak charges. Same deal with Rittenhouse. Since the (((police))) are pozzed and only a tool of yuppie politicians, vigilantism should start to become more prevalent.


May St. Mel bless you
Zimmerman got off like he should of according to the law but he’s a faggot. Hours of gayness.

No one likes to bring this up because it makes both sides look bad, but the obvious conclusion from the trial is that Trayvon thought Zimmerman was a gay man trying to cruise him (Trayvon called him a "fag" in the phone call to Precious Jones).

Trayvon responded violently, which is totally expected from a teen boy. I guess Trayvon didn't watch Glee. Zimmerman had a legitimate self-defense claim because he was protecting himself from a gay bashing.


No one likes to bring this up because it makes both sides look bad, but the obvious conclusion from the trial is that Trayvon thought Zimmerman was a gay man trying to cruise him (Trayvon called him a "fag" in the phone call to Precious Jones).

Trayvon responded violently, which is totally expected from a teen boy. I guess Trayvon didn't watch Glee. Zimmerman had a legitimate self-defense claim because he was protecting himself from a gay bashing.
George broke the buck anyway.
2020 was such an intense moment of mass hysteria its fucking insane. We’re only a year removed and it already feels way different. For a short time, everything was getting cancelled to an insane degree. Uncle Bens rice, Aunt Jemima. It really felt like the world was fuckin ending. Now nobody cares nearly as much, its like everyone got it all out of their system.
The creepiest part of all is how obvious it is that the media is what caused it all to happen. Remember when every single day there was a new police confrontation on the front page of the news? And now suddenly there arent. Doesnt mean those confrontations have stopped, it just shows you how much they control this nations psyche and they should go to fucking hell for what they created last year.


(Voluntarily) torqued boomer
Any time I see someone bring up Trayvon I just think of Cumia non stop watching it. This country wasted hours of time watching a case where both people should have just been dead. That’s it. Zimmerman got off like he should of according to the law but he’s a faggot. Hours of gayness.
Specify which Cumia, sir



the Gentleman's sissy hypno
Rittenhouse is a litmus test. It's the ultimate chapo exposure test.

You will see people who pose as neutral or unbiased for months or years of their posting career, and suddenly they will have a hard take on this issue.

Bring up a thread demanding a personal stake on the Rittenhouse case and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”.


the Gentleman's sissy hypno
2020 was such an intense moment of mass hysteria its fucking insane. We’re only a year removed and it already feels way different. For a short time, everything was getting cancelled to an insane degree. Uncle Bens rice, Aunt Jemima. It really felt like the world was fuckin ending. Now nobody cares nearly as much, its like everyone got it all out of their system.
The creepiest part of all is how obvious it is that the media is what caused it all to happen. Remember when every single day there was a new police confrontation on the front page of the news? And now suddenly there arent. Doesnt mean those confrontations have stopped, it just shows you how much they control this nations psyche and they should go to fucking hell for what they created last year.


2020 was such an intense moment of mass hysteria its fucking insane. We’re only a year removed and it already feels way different. For a short time, everything was getting cancelled to an insane degree. Uncle Bens rice, Aunt Jemima. It really felt like the world was fuckin ending. Now nobody cares nearly as much, its like everyone got it all out of their system.
The creepiest part of all is how obvious it is that the media is what caused it all to happen. Remember when every single day there was a new police confrontation on the front page of the news? And now suddenly there arent. Doesnt mean those confrontations have stopped, it just shows you how much they control this nations psyche and they should go to fucking hell for what they created last year.
It happened in 2016, and it'll happen again in 2024.


The Night Time Attitude