Rick's Status


I'm the girl u needed in Jr. High

Stumbled upon this post on the kiwi and needed to share. Fatrick is a top-tier lolcow.


maybe kiss you
a few things

- being shmarmy duuuuude
- terminally online, streaming, tweeting, always making "content"
- challenging KF and the boss of all transphobes (null) and threatening to sue

pretty much all the top cows are streamers or have sued KF. Keffals claim to fame is "ratioing" people on twitter which is such a hilariously do-nothing form of "activism"
a few things

- being shmarmy duuuuude
- terminally online, streaming, tweeting, always making "content"
- challenging KF and the boss of all transphobes (null) and threatening to sue

pretty much all the top cows are streamers or have sued KF. Keffals claim to fame is "ratioing" people on twitter which is such a hilariously do-nothing form of "activism"
to add, runs a discord that;
grooms minors into tranny shit
supplies homemade hrt medication to kids

a lot of the discord was purged very recently when keffals was swatted they took his electronic devices. so all the tranny groomer admins deleted everything for no reason at all.


For about a year-and-a-half of that time his thread sat in relative obscurity. It wasn't until he filed his dumb lawsuit that it really started to take off.
I can't remember because so many things happened but was there anything really good in that first year and a half? I'm sure there was but I just can't remember. I know in this past year or so there has been the lolsuit, Apostlegate/Josiah, BDA court appearance, and the SWATTing audio. I think Null covered a lot of those on MATI so that plus his increasing delusions and fat actions are probably driving up posting over there. It might be recency bias but this past year or so has really been one bad run for piggy.