Rick's Nearly Missing Backyard Grill

all the 'Nazi' shit is a tell-tale sign of a fat-flag, he really seems to like the Nazi shit, he did go to Dachau on his honeymoon.

do we know when his birthday is? He's brought me lots of loffs & I might buy him a present to say thanks, I will consult my lawyer 1st but I was thinking he might like a 5 ton cast iron swastika for his front lawn

(obvious hyperbole & jokes)


Fat bitch with faggot tits
I need a 6 minute video edit of Simpsons clips with the Black Eyed Peas playing in the background STAT. Maybe add some Pat clips in too? Remember when he said “FUCK OFF!! AND NEVER RETURN!!!!!” That was hilarious. I think you play that then have a clip of Homer confused, like he’s reacting to Pat! 🤣🤣🤣 Good lord i gotta pull over my rig just thinking about it!
Good bit.jpg
Its a good bit.

That ad has been up for 5 days now and nobody would have even noticed if Patrick could keep his yap shut.

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
If someone does the “flaming bag of dog poop on the porch” gag Pat will cry it was attempted arson.
Pat cried about his trolls wanting to burn his house down because people were shitting on him about where he keeps that BBQ grill so close to the house and fence and that it might catch everything on fire. He tried to act like they were threats. He is a pearl clutching faggot that looks for any reason to cry victim.


Stand Alone Fruit
Pat cried about his trolls wanting to burn his house down because people were shitting on him about where he keeps that BBQ grill so close to the house and fence and that it might catch everything on fire. He tried to act like they were threats. He is a pearl clutching faggot that looks for any reason to cry victim.
Also that his fire pit was WAY too close to his house. Felony safety concern, stlaker