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“I’m a nurse, Garth Earl. There will be wounded and worse before this night is over. You stay here if you must, but I’m needed.”
Garth gave up. His wife’s mind set like concrete. There’d never been any sense trying to argue with her. “Better go, then.” He gave her an enormous bear hug, then kissed her on the cheek. “Gabby, you keep her safe, ya hear?”
“Will do, cuz. Y’all take care.” Gabby snapped the horse’s reins and the slay slid silently into the night. The last Garth saw of his wife, she was feeding a fresh belt into the 7.62.
“It’s just us now, boy. Best get inside and douse the lights.”
“Yes pop.”
They sat alone in the living room, deathly quiet stretching out between them. Dale finally broke it. “Pop?”
“Yes boy?”
“What’s the meaning of Christmas?”
“What?” Garth perked up at the question. “Don’t be fool, son. It’s about celebrating the birth of our Lord and Savior.”
“I know, it’s just…”
“Just what? Your daddy didn’t raise no mealy-mouth boy. Spit it out.”
“It’s just that Jesus was born in the springtime.”
“He was not! Where’d you hear that heathen ramblin’?”
“I read about it on Wikipedia.”

Robot Christmas Day 1: "Black Friday" by Patrick Tomlinson - B&N Reads
It really can’t be overstated how awful his writing is.