Reminder that CUNTFUCKER is Dougie’s bitch

Harry Powell

Semen is the aggression of a man
So so so I trolled incel OP here so hard that he spazzed out and threatened to kill me and got banned? And now he's using an alt account? When will they learn... 🤣

Look how he pretends to be so above it all that he thinks I’m a Dougie-alt.

Yet again, he deflects and redirects (VERY Jewish move) rather than address the simple fact that he got GOT by Dougie.


#1 Poster

Look how he pretends to be so above it all that he thinks I’m a Dougie-alt.

Yet again, he deflects and redirects (VERY Jewish move) rather than address the simple fact that he got GOT by Dougie.

OP deflects and fails to address the obvious fact that the screenshot shows a a defeated incel having an assblasted tantrum.


#1 Poster
I can literally kill you but I won't because I have to go to prison