Reminder that board incel @Snake unironically admitted to fapping to trannies and buying toy robots

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Those breeches will stay open!
Had no problem with Dan or Snake personally, they were always nice to me. But hey, what do i know heh heh heh



Snake went ballistic, doxing Dan and saying he's the "Head Bouncer" of onaforums and nobody is allowed to post without Snake's permission

Lmao. This is cringe inducing as you know it wasn’t tongue in cheek (like the dramatic statements I make about myself pertaining to the forums.) Like calling myself a legend of the sub, which Snake took 100% seriously and got outraged about. I was trying to have a little fun when people were talking about my He Got Lost videos which of course Snake had to insult, exposing his jealousy.

I wouldn’t have a problem with Snake if he wasn’t constantly trying to sound like a gym teacher with a stick up his ass. That and his predictable stock filler insults which are just a chore to read.

Oh and the ring of “tee hee, ain’t I a stinker?” Alt gimmick accounts he was running to pump up his ribs numbers and get even with his perceived enemies without sullying his main account. How the fuck do you call someone se “schizophrenic” when you conduct yourself in this manner?

The alt circus he was running only worsened the clique atmosphere these annoying little discord trannies were upholding. Giving each other ribs for their low effort patpostings.

Head Bouncer? Maybe if we’re talking about the head bouncing faggot in the Proud Boys music video .GIF.

not that Jack Horner

If you saw me IRL you very likely wouldn't look me
Lmao. This is cringe inducing as you know it wasn’t tongue in cheek (like the dramatic statements I make about myself pertaining to the forums.) Like calling myself a legend of the sub, which Snake took 100% seriously and got outraged about. I was trying to have a little fun when people were talking about my He Got Lost videos which of course Snake had to insult, exposing his jealousy.

I wouldn’t have a problem with Snake if he wasn’t constantly trying to sound like a gym teacher with a stick up his ass. That and his predictable stock filler insults which are just a chore to read.

Oh and the ring of “tee hee, ain’t I a stinker?” Alt gimmick accounts he was running to pump up his ribs numbers and get even with his perceived enemies without sullying his main account. How the fuck do you call someone se “schizophrenic” when you conduct yourself in this manner?

The alt circus he was running only worsened the clique atmosphere these annoying little discord trannies were upholding. Giving each other ribs for their low effort patpostings.

Head Bouncer? Maybe if we’re talking about the head bouncing faggot in the Proud Boys music video .GIF.

dre when you came back from cumtown

i prepared you a feast, i slaughted our fattest calf

i anointed your freaking head with oils

i made snake a snake l, so he would crawl on his belly for life

lets focus on welcoming dan back into the fold and dismiss this pettiness

it’s for snake and his alts to bother with



dre when you came back from cumtown

i prepared you a feast, i slaughted our fattest calf

i anointed your freaking head with oils

i made snake a snake l, so he would crawl on his belly for life

lets focus on welcoming dan back into the fold and dismiss this pettiness

it’s for snake and his alts to bother with

I feel the need to drag this discussion on because I wasn’t in attendance for it and I also saw it coming miles away. Links would be appreciated, I could use some cringe copypasta to add to my repertoire alongside P-Titty’s nigger nightmares.


I feel the need to drag this discussion on because I wasn’t in attendance for it and I also saw it coming miles away. Links would be appreciated, I could use some cringe copypasta to add to my repertoire alongside P-Titty’s nigger nightmares.
so is racism against blacks actually a noticeable issue for you? or is racism something white women exaggerate?
because lots of people seem to cause shit with you on here just because you're black, it seems

do you experience it in real life


so is racism against blacks actually a noticeable issue for you? or is racism something white women exaggerate?
because lots of people seem to cause shit with you on here just because you're black, it seems

do you experience it in real life

The only racism I can actually sense is corny white women who go overboard trying to not be racist which turns into a new type of (unfunny) racist.

The only racism on here I experience is when corny boomers think the Nigger word offends me. They post it like it’s scorched earth response when it’s just lazy.