Reminder that board incel @Snake unironically admitted to fapping to trannies and buying toy robots

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I was on the fence about this Snake fella, but now that i learned he's into trannies i'm starting to like the guy.



12 paramedics couldnt save ur fuckin life boy
Can someone provide more back story on the podcast massacres? I predicted that the clique would break itself up and I came back assuming that's what happened.

Dan and Snake were internet besties, then they had a fight and Dan told Snake he never liked him, but his drawings were good.

Snake went ballistic, doxing Dan and saying he's the "Head Bouncer" of onaforums and nobody is allowed to post without Snake's permission. That Snake alone would decide if Dan was allowed back, and the answer was no.

So I cyberbully the fuck outta Snake for a couple months, he stops posting on his main and eventually bends the knee and says Dan is allowed back whenever. Dan comes back (to celebrate Jenna Ortega's birthday!) so Snake/Torquie have decided to dox Dan's work and try to him fired.


The Backbone of America
it was a ZGMF-X10A Freedom
Oh. I was thinking a different kind of robot. This is the one I had:

I didn't have the remote or the tray. I didn’t even know the fucking thing was supposed to have a remote or the ability to carry a tray. That's why it just rolled around aimlessly. Fuck. RIP Robie Jr. I never realized your full potential.

Fucking robot was $179 in 1986. I'm really diving deep on Robie Junior.


What's up with @Snake not sticking to his word and crushing Dan for coming back?
Dan kept posting here(Under his alt), Kiwifarms, and youtube as if nothing happened...

It has to be because it was all planned.

Dan, @captain_kamala , and @Snake all colluded together to end the podcast in a fun and dramatic way.

"I did this for you guys!" - @Snake

Was one of the most unbelievable aspects of that whole ordeal.

If all of the doxxing information was real why wouldn't Dan just continue to do the podcast even if just to annoy everyone? What more could've been done to him? Ending it just made him/his online character look like a little bitch.

Punished Dan Mullen

Calamari Ring Leader
Oh. I was thinking a different kind of robot. This is the one I had:

I didn't have the remote or the tray. I didn’t even know the fucking thing was supposed to have a remote or the ability to carry a tray. That's why it just rolled around aimlessly. Fuck. RIP Robie Jr. I never realized your full potential.

Fucking robot was $179 in 1986. I'm really diving deep on Robie Junior.

They have something like that in the 80s? It's just like a RC car, but in robot form