Remember when Danny Ross jewed himself out to Porsalin blaming Sam for Steve C’s suicide then went on to shit on Steve C’s suicide?


❤️bonnie bonnie bonnie❤️
He was never car crashed because Anthony told people not to mock Danny. Same reason Anthony pulled the plug during Guitar Queero. Danny was always protected by his boyfriend. When the other crew members from the office would rip on Danny he would complain to Anthony. And then would rip on them back knowing that they could not hit him back harder because they might get Anthony against them. There was always the unspoken rule that if you attacked Danny you risked Anthony and Danny teaming up on you.

Also Danny once invited some mongrel to one of Anthony's trash parties. And said mongrel stole from Anthony's guests purses and was caught riffling through them on security cameras. Pussy Anthony instead of searching the guy to see if he had stolen jewelry or money on him just let the guy go without even telling the guests that they had been robbed. Then Anthony made up some lie on air about how the guy made off with a few grand from his girlfriend's purse but it was all "okay". Anthony didn't even let Keith go after the guy. Anything to avoid confrontation like a little bitch.

Anthony allowed someone to steal from his girlfriend and did nothing about it. Yet also somehow thought that in a home invasion scenario or a mugging scenario he would be like Arnold in Predator and just wiping out gang members left and right.
To be fair if Ant’s girlfriend had any money in her purse then it was probably stolen from him.