Reddit bans quotes from tv shows you watched 20 years ago


Great food
Everyone knew this was coming. They censored pretty much any discussion of Veto likely molesting his son. Or Tony accurately predicting that fag marriage would lead to open bestiality and pedophilia rights advocates. Or the tons of messages against race mixing on the show.
I agree with that Senator Sanatorium, we keep this up, pretty soon we'll be fuckin dogs 👊

Former Prez Gerald Ford

Come over and we’ll have nachos. And some beer.
I got banned for messaging some queer from r/ Herman Cain awards who told me I was a walking dead man because I didn’t take the Covid vaccine. I was messaging him with periodic updates to let him know I was still alive and he reported me. Very rude!!

They even police your DMs now, if you try to call someone a nigger in a private message it will tell you message not sent and to “try using nicer language”. So gay.


★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Reddit is incredibly gay. Facebook is even gayer. And Twitter is gayest. But yeah, Reddit will suspend or boot you over nothing. You tell some asshole to fuck off or you quote Phil Leotardo re: harboring faggots and you're gone. Bunch of delicate little pantywaists on that site.

Chinese doesn't even have gendered pronouns. "Tā" means him, her and it. Same for nearly most other languages. It's gay and Anglo-centric, and most other cultures laugh at them for it.

Mr. Faggotry

The world’s expert on faggotry
Just like Twitter and every other social media platform, it's only enjoyable when people flagrantly broke the rules or harassed the cookie cutter FAGGOTS that make up their userbase. The old sub was the only redeeming quality of that gay site.
/r/Coontown was great for its time. Blatant talk about NIGGERS. 2016 ruined everything.


Joe's Filipino Supervisor
I got banned for messaging some queer from r/ Herman Cain awards who told me I was a walking dead man because I didn’t take the Covid vaccine. I was messaging him with periodic updates to let him know I was still alive and he reported me. Very rude!!

They even police your DMs now, if you try to call someone a nigger in a private message it will tell you message not sent and to “try using nicer language”. So gay.
I had to block that whole sub. It's amazing they allow subs like that but opie and Anthony sub was too much


yep yep yep yep yep
Chinese doesn't even have gendered pronouns. "Tā" means him, her and it. Same for nearly most other languages. It's gay and Anglo-centric, and most other cultures laugh at them for it.
it all pounces "Tā" but its different in writing

他= he/him

她= she/her

它= it(for inanimate objects(Le funny in Burger film hehe), god(s) and animal)

hate it when boomeretards like Carlin saying there was never a civil war around the world etc. just because they are too dumb and lazy to learn things, twisting around shit to justify they point


I got banned for messaging some queer from r/ Herman Cain awards who told me I was a walking dead man because I didn’t take the Covid vaccine. I was messaging him with periodic updates to let him know I was still alive and he reported me. Very rude!!

They even police your DMs now, if you try to call someone a nigger in a private message it will tell you message not sent and to “try using nicer language”. So gay.
Really pounded this guy!


I tried to create a new Reddit account the other day for the first time since we were banned and it is unbelievably gay now. They make you choose your pronouns and make some faggy Funko Pop looking avatar to even get started. I went through all the trouble only to find out all the interesting subs are either banned or neutered with rules like this.
The only thing it’s good for now is if you need a specific question answered by some kind of expert or someone who lives in a particular place. I’ve got a locksmith to tell me how to fix the lock on my front door or audio nerds tell me what kind of speakers to buy or restaurant recommendations from locals if you’re traveling somewhere.
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