Redbar Heralds The Demise of Count Leatherface’s “Chomo Media” Empire

He looks like a Gen 1 D&D troll
Trolls.JPG (1).jpg
If he reduced the glass breaking/explosion drops by 95% it would still be unlistenable because of all the glass breaking/explosions drops
I have to agree. I’ll never be a payfag to anyone. I don’t knock anyone who does but with the plethora of free entertainment I don’t feel like I should pay to hear someone say “nigger” or “kike” uncensored. I also barely ever got paid for creative shit I did/recorded for years and worked a real career, so fuck supplementing digital pyramid scheme bums.

Maybe buy some merch once in a while for someone I really like but the buck stops there.

Redbar is very talented and witty but the incessant try hard explosions are annoying and he can ramble on/pause too much and have 20-40 mins worth of filler before you know it.

Btw, do you or anyone else find it odd that Plucked Chicken Head Nana The Nigger Hanger has literally not said one word to/about Jim Fagworm and his live in, hulking rapist Barbie doll?

No congratulations. No “Jimmy, you and Nikki come on the podcast before I move to SC with my beard!” Nothing. It’s very odd, especially since Nana’s cable tv station is closing soon anyway so there will no longer be a need to hide his trans attractions.

It’s okay Nana. We know Black Lives Matter and to protect trans kids!