Rebel Wilson VIOLENTLY RAPED by Sacha Baron Cohen


I fuckin hate this loser. That time he got up in front of the ADL and basically said "I act like an obnoxious retard to prove to the world that its the goyim that are evil for laughing along!" Fucking heeb.
That Grimsby movie is instructive. It's a feature length diatribe against the evils of being the thing he hates the worst: working class and white. His choice of rolls is really interesting. He basically only plays two types: comedic roles where he is shitting on some group he knows he's better than, or plays Jews in dramatic rolls to show how noble and brave they are. Fuck. Him.

Uncle J’s Sink Emporium

Enjoy prison, Y’munkoke
That Grimsby movie is instructive. It's a feature length diatribe against the evils of being the thing he hates the worst: working class and white. His choice of rolls is really interesting. He basically only plays two types: comedic roles where he is shitting on some group he knows he's better than, or plays Jews in dramatic rolls to show how noble and brave they are. Fuck. Him.
Nice rolls, stupid
Before I clicked on the article I knew it would involve sodomy, piss, farting or something of that ilk.

They are so unmasculine that I don't even think they can enjoy dominating a woman and fucking her.

it's always cumming in plants, "hey watch me jerk off tehehe," "can I watch you pee???" *rubs hands intensely*

I really do hate them. In case it was unclear.
I fuckin hate this loser. That time he got up in front of the ADL and basically said "I act like an obnoxious retard to prove to the world that its the goyim that are evil for laughing along!" Fucking heeb.
i used to hate it when my friends would laugh at the borat shit like "throw the jew down the well" like it was heckin' based anti jew yuma. even back then it was obvious that the 'joke' was supposed to be on the goyim laughing, not literally throwing a jew down a well.

from what i remember O&A were like that too when borat was big, completely missing the point that it's just kike shit to show how stupid and inherently 'antisemitic' people are

i would say it's similar to look who's back, but in that case i don't think they were meaning to be subversive and they were legitimately surprised everyone loves Hitler