Real Ass Dude of the Week


Brazil sent me a wife with a dick ☺️
filipino are good people

I know other orientals look at filipino's like Hispanics look at PR's.

Inner tribe shit aside, FIlipino dudes are legit solid....hard working, fun loving, and extremely based yo

EDIT: TL/DR I never met a filipino dude who wasn't cool
Prs look at other Hispanics as spics. Prs are 20 years away from being looked at like Italians.


exactly this

not only are they "top of the Food" Chain amongst Orientals, I'm pretty sure they think they are top of the food chain amongst all humanity

and I would let them have it....Japanese are legit God-tier yo
Japanese in Japan are...Japanese Americans are bums (the 3rd-4th gen ones mostly residing in Hawaii)...Filipino-Americans have more college grads surprisingly (and earn more on average) Look it up.


Japanese in Japan are...Japanese Americans are bums (the 3rd-4th gen ones mostly residing in Hawaii)...Filipino-Americans have more college grads surprisingly (and earn more on average) Look it up.
Sort of. But not sure how to phrase, "Hey Alexa, how do 1/16th Japanese perform in school, on average?"

I mean, if they're burning out in Hawaii, sounds like they're assimilating nicely.


Shane Noakes' rabbi raped his 9 year old dick off.
I mean- they really are....

i noticed that this is a forum where everyone hates everything however even people on this forum can agree that Filipino dudes are legit cool af
Sorry kike, I dissent.

Flips should be in the Philippines with Manny Pacquiao as their president.

As should nigras be in africa, jefes in latam, and jews dead to the last wretched kike.

Nice subversion, beakberg

Queefer Sutherland

Fix me, Josh!
Japan is the most cucked country on earth. Men get allowances from their wives, and 96% of single people haven't even fucked.

S. Korea is almost there, only with more alcoholism.


Filipinos are definitely cool as fuck. I have never met a Filipino dude who was a dick. They’re all pretty chill.
I was at school with a guy who was half English half Filipino. Funny guy, good at sports. He was also locker room champion. Dude was hung like a donkey.