Putting my best friend to rest today


A circle of N-words
this is the only social media we have, i may do the same post when the time comes

got a funny story about her? All of my dogs i've had I can think of something stupid they've done I haven't seen before
Not funny as such. She was kind but always got her self into a situation. She swallowed a sewing needle that needed surgical extraction, she Chewed through a power cord and was save b the circuit brakers, she chewed the newly installed venetian blinds at the front of the house, she would chase and kill pidgeons with her sister and leave them on the back step. In the end further treatment would prolong her suffering at a cost of $3000. Wed already paid $5000 to have her treated by a specialist last year, and the diet he recommended made her throw up everyday. So I just put her back on the MyDog fillets with gravy. Her last meal was a1/2 kg of chicken breast. She ate it harder than Jenny Gold eating out an underage female gymnast.


A circle of N-words
Hepatic encephalopathy...the disease I diagnosed Nana having?

RIP...that's a nice photo of her.
it exists. my dog lost its sight, got confused, drooled, hid her head in corners, stumbled constantly needing to be picked up. I gave my dog care and love to her death. Something the Cumias neglected to provide their own mother.