Pudding brained retard with nuclear codes does it again

Yuck, I might have to delete it now
When you parallel think with Pat there’s only one thing left to do


Stand Alone Fruit
I remember years ago when it was McCain Vs Obama the liberals and media cried McCain was too old / not in the best health yet look the other way with Biden. The other day he read the directions out loud from teleprompter and the left is silent. That’s how you know late night comedy is shit now, they didn’t even mention when Biden fell off his bike or this Anchorman moment (I’m Ron Burgundy?) because they’re not allowed to make fun of democrats. There was a time they would make fun of both sides but those days are long gone.

The Arm

Fire stalk with me.
The kikes must really have a sense of humor. The last four men they allowed to take the office have been: a retard, a nigger, an egomaniac, and a senile old man.
I remember years ago when it was McCain Vs Obama the liberals and media cried McCain was too old / not in the best health yet look the other way with Biden. The other day he read the directions out loud from teleprompter and the left is silent. That’s how you know late night comedy is shit now, they didn’t even mention when Biden fell off his bike or this Anchorman moment (I’m Ron Burgundy?) because they’re not allowed to make fun of democrats. There was a time they would make fun of both sides but those days are long gone.
“Libs are hypocritical!!!!” What an amazing observation