Pudding brained retard with nuclear codes does it again



He could barely drink from a glass of water and struggled walking up stairs and down ramps.

It's embarassing that these fossils can be elected to office. Needs an age restriction.
He's an old fat fuck no doubt and I think presidents should be men in their 40s or 50s, agreed, but comparing Trump to Biden in terms of mental state is chalk and cheese. Trump relished hour long press conferences and gave as good as he got. Biden is wheeled out and rushed off as soon as possible.


This has to be intentional for the loffs, if not, God be with you Americans, no bs.

It's necessary I guess. We need an actual disaster to correct. I think Biden's that disaster.

Or America is just fucked since it's 50% mud and we've aged as a country to Biden level - all rotten, old, and demented - and we just have to die and start something new. In that respect Biden's a great representative for us.

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
It's the first time in his life he's pulled out

