Pretentious faggot


Another one of windbag pedersons performative diatribes. For a guy who loves to blow Solzhenitsyn as much as peterstein does, it was hilariously telling that when asked about it, he refused to acknowledge one of Alex's greater works; 200 years together. That's when i finally knew: limited hangout gatekeeping grifter through and through. Everyones a fucking scammer, except the genuinely rancorous rascals on here.


I put this on in the background. I'm about halfway through and he's now going on about Trump and Putin. He started by talking about Ellen Paige chopping her tits off. I think he's asking for his Twitter back.


This guy is Pat with a doctorate. Seriously, if piggy was smart enough to be an academic he would do shit like this.

Fucking cringe.
He's formulated an elaborate half-hour speech, complains about people saying lol and lmfao on Twitter, and thinks he's saving humanity all in the hopes the CEO gives him his account back. That's surprisingly accurate for Pat.


Another fake and gay cutout lifetime actor propped up as the alternative to mainstream faggotry. Worked with the UN on "sustainable development" (population reduction and forced austerity) papers, held the same position at Harvard as another fake rebel, CIA asset fraud Timothy Leary, and plugged into the manufactured "Intellectual Dark Web" gatekeeper coalition. Also, just an annoying dweeb that lets his daughter embarrass him on a regular basis.

Verdict: FAGGOT


The Backbone of America
Another fake and gay cutout lifetime actor propped up as the alternative to mainstream faggotry. Worked with the UN on "sustainable development" (population reduction and forced austerity) papers, held the same position at Harvard as another fake rebel, CIA asset fraud Timothy Leary, and plugged into the manufactured "Intellectual Dark Web" gatekeeper coalition. Also, just an annoying dweeb that lets his daughter embarrass him on a regular basis.
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Verdict: FAGGOT
I hope none of you ever bring this fruit up unless it's to rip on him. He's reached Lex Fridman levels of "just fuck off, faggot."

Do something without a Twitter account or make a new one. It's not a brain-buster, Mr. Esteemed Professor.


Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt
Tell me how to live my life daddy Jordan!

What a sad testament of modern men that some of them need this retard to tell them to clean their room and wash their balls.

This faggot has read some Dostoevsky, Solzhenitsyn, Nietzsche and Jung, didn't understand any of it, and twisted their main ideas to make it his own unhinged "philosophy", and these tards lap it up like he is some genius.