Post your favorite Norm bits


Yes. I had cyber sex sessions with Leslie.


I really miss funny Andy. The joke was never "gay, lol." It was that Norm almost always came on to throw a few light-hearted jabs at adorable, goofy Andy.

It started when Andy was a fat dude loved by every American under 30, and endured long enough to see Andy become an embittered over the hill divorcee with lots of failed solo projects. The joke was poor, defenseless sidekick loved by all is sweetly fucked with once in a while.

If it bothers him that much, at some point he could've just said, "I love Norm and I love his fans, but I hope people are smart enough to understand this isn't about excluding anyone, except me for being such a punchable Swedish-German." It would've gotten his point across, kept everyone in on the joke, and continued the humor going. Instead, he had to pull the emergency brake and get serious for a moment. Problem with Andy is he's been "serious for a moment," for like 8 years.


Norm gets a lot of credit for his Conan appearances, and rightly so, but his stuff on Dennis Miller Live was epic. Everyone talks about the "gay son" bit, but I've always liked this one more. It better captures Norm's way of deconstructing shit.