Pornography and casual sex


Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt


Nighs Wonger, Stupid
You wanna dox where Dan works bro, #6 gonna go.

How old when you discovered the joys of holding hands with a girl? This is a big step in your life? Is there any question why you obsess so hard over trolling Mew when Incelsior is celebrating holding hands? Are you really ugly, really fat, or really autistic?


You wanna dox where Dan works bro, #6 gonna go.

How old when you discovered the joys of holding hands with a girl? This is a big step in your life? Is there any question why you obsess so hard over trolling Mew when Incelsior is celebrating holding hands? Are you really ugly, really fat, or really autistic?
^ Jew pedophile mad that I made an anti-pornography thread.


Have you ever been in a relationship? Holding hands is the thing you do on the 2nd date watching some movie. That's not really the Jews fault.
No I have never been in a relationship with someone I've actually cared for

And neither have most people

That's why kiked faggots like Patrick and Dan Mullen simp over other women, say shit like "she's a 9/10" or "my 2nd replacement wife loves the d", because they don't truly love their wives.


No I have never been in a relationship with someone I've actually cared for

And neither have most people

That's why kiked faggots like Patrick and Dan Mullen simp over other women, say shit like "she's a 9/10" or "my 2nd replacement wife loves the d", because they don't truly love their wives.

Maybe i’m a cynic but some people are just afraid to be alone so they pretend to be in love with each other.


Take the E. Michael Jones pill. The usual suspects have done everything they can to hijack your natural urge to procreate and flush it down the toilet. Your seed is your soul and it wasn't meant to be wasted.
PS: misleading thumbnail. Give it a chance.


Nighs Wonger, Stupid
No I have never been in a relationship with someone I've actually cared for

And neither have most people

That's why kiked faggots like Patrick and Dan Mullen simp over other women, say shit like "she's a 9/10" or "my 2nd replacement wife loves the d", because they don't truly love their wives.

This post is sad, much sadder than anything about Dan's life. Most people find another person to care about, even if you break up and move on.

One lesson I'll pass on: treat your woman like only your opinion matters. If Dan thinks Flavia is a 9/10, who the fuck cares what some never been in a relationship incel has to say. You have to be obese or just 2/10 ugly.


No I have never been in a relationship with someone I've actually cared for

And neither have most people

That's why kiked faggots like Patrick and Dan Mullen simp over other women, say shit like "she's a 9/10" or "my 2nd replacement wife loves the d", because they don't truly love their wives.
Help me out here, brother: why is it the Jews' fault that you don't like your partners? I want to believe but I'm missing something.


Shane Noakes' rabbi raped his 9 year old dick off.
Help me out here, brother: why is it the Jews' fault that you don't like your partners? I want to believe but I'm missing something.