Pig makes a pandering attempt before hitting the pillow


(Voluntarily) torqued boomer


Danny Ross is a thin skinned bitch
How is a black fat woman being President a "better" future? She's still human, and vulnerable to corruption. That black skin doesn't make her a better person.

These progressives fetishize poc as some sort of intangible "other" that practically robs them of their humanity. They don't see them as "normal people" which is all black people really want.

Harry Powell

Lyndon Evans Superfan
It’s just a fetish.

I was a lifelong liberal but they completely lost me and I Have swung hard right in the last decade - and I know a lot of other people who have as well. They’re alienating all the normal centrists with this shit.

Nothing is merit based on the left anymore. Now you have to qualify by checking the right demographic boxes and that’s it.


Stand Alone Fruit
The democrat party believes she’s the future because she’s a big fat black lady. They didn’t pick her to be Biden’s VP for a reason, they want her to be president because they think people will HAVE to vote for her because she’s black, a woman, AND fat. If you don’t you’re a racist, sexist, and body shaming! All she’s done is lose an election (to which she still hasn’t accepted she lost and blamed it on all kinds of shit) and has been made a star by the democrat party with many tv appearances and major magazine profiles. Notice they don’t fawn over Kamala anymore? She was so “inspirational” but nobody was buying it. They never liked her in the first place and are waiting to run fat Stacy


Self Styled Brothaman
exactly what the GOP wants

View attachment 29909
He's such an absolute cunt to everyone. In his tiny mind he sees this resonate with <50k other similar subhumans on Twitter and thinks he's successful there because a mob of assholes cheers him on.

Being the worst person in a crowd of awful people isn't an achievement, stupid. And it doesn't pay off your debts.