Pedophiles march for equal rights


Note how pat and weimer and the sfwa types never speak out against stuff like this? They know (hope) itll be normalized and want to have been on the right side of history and not get in trouble for old problematic tweets. I hate them.
Pat especially would never burn a potential bridge for more dopamine hits on twitter. Not condemning is being complicit. And by that extension, he's probably guilty of pedophilia as well. Very sick guy.


Snopes calling bullshit on this is a great indicator that it's 100% true. Surprised how much I liked the linked article, though. Apparently there are a few moderately sane women left in the world. They had another article accurately naming some tranny in prison a rapist and murderer.


"in my experience there are many times, for example, when a boy of let’s say 12, actually initiates the relationship,” he says

He should kill himself

When I was 12 I was playing Pokemon. If some 40 year old faggot gaslit me into thinking I started a relationship with him... guys I really hate paul weimer.