Pat's spent 4 years accumulating a treasure trove of evidence, IPs, crimes, texts, to uncover the identity of people here


12 paramedics couldnt save ur fuckin life boy
Patrick S Tomlinson fears Dan Mullen, simple as.

Dan isn't the villain Pat wants. He keeps his cool when Patrick gets heated and emotional, giving off a casual "guy at the sports bar" vibe that Patrick tries so desperately to obtain. That makes Dan look like the normal one, and Patrick look like the screeching drama queen. He learned that once with Andrew.

What he wants is a unibomber type, unkempt beard, wild eyes, computer surrounded by piss bottles. When he uncovers the identity of a successful gay man, doesn't fit his stereotype. Schizo black ex-model lady, doesn't fit his stereotype. Dan doesn't fit his stereotype. If it doesn't support his narrative, it's a lie and delusion that never happened.


maybe kiss you
Patrick S Tomlinson fears Dan Mullen, simple as.

Dan isn't the villain Pat wants. He keeps his cool when Patrick gets heated and emotional, giving off a casual "guy at the sports bar" vibe that Patrick tries so desperately to obtain. That makes Dan look like the normal one, and Patrick look like the screeching drama queen. He learned that once with Andrew.

What he wants is a unibomber type, unkempt beard, wild eyes, computer surrounded by piss bottles. When he uncovers the identity of a successful gay man, doesn't fit his stereotype. Schizo black ex-model lady, doesn't fit his stereotype. Dan doesn't fit his stereotype. If it doesn't support his narrative, it's a lie and delusion that never happened.
he wants a basement dwelling MAGA incel to be his aTalker, not this fairly normal albeit retarded looking guy


Ah, classic Pat. Lie about something and insist it didn't happen until he can spin his own fat narrative about it.