Pat's panel where he appears to have been crying about losing his Twitter account


Pat's panel starts at 20 minutes and Pat introduces himself at 24 minutes. I guess people were blowing up the chat when this happened, and it got lost in all the excitement how good Pat is at embarrassing himself without any help.

Both of the other panelists introduce themselves and do a good job of giving their credentials and letting us know why we should give a crap about what they have to say. The first guy is an actual scientist who is studying the origin of the universe, and the second one is a quirky novelist with 10 books under his belt who likes to stargaze or whatever; basically a better Patrick.

Then Pat comes on and has absolutely nothing to say. "Durr, look at my cat named Robert Mewler."


When talking about research that they do, the better author whips out the 800-page that he wrote and you can see Pat become insecure. When it's Pat's turn to talk, he comes out with a crack about how it's better to write two 400-page books instead of one 800-page book, because you get paid twice. You can tell that this is motivated by pettiness and jealousy even though he wants to pass it off as good-natured ribbing, and you can also tell that the better author is not amused at all by Pat's joke attempt.



you can also tell that the better author is not amused at all by Pat's joke attempt.

Par for the fat D student course



Immediately insults the attractive, happy, well put together guy with "well he's fun at parties..." because the chick says it's awesome how he's interested in the life and death of the universe. What a faggot.

Constantly drinks from his gay mug. Nervous bitch.

The smart guy starts talking about gamma ray bursts and Pat starts nodding along to show everyone he knows that too. Holy fuck I hate him.