Pat’s oddest food reference yet…spinning food on his cock


Reminder: Vincent D'Onofrio blocked Patrick
• sedentary
• frequent heavy alcohol consumption
• high % of body fat
• middle aged

I think “throbbing erection” is another Pat lie
Don't forget the blood pressure meds.


Uncle Anthony Cumia

Hot tubs, guns and slack jawed brothers
1. You can’t afford a double baco cheese at Five Guys tubby
2. It’s not hard to lay food on a micropenis then lie that you’re spinning it too.
3. Nobody believes you know how to get to a Five Guys, they usually don’t build those in the Ghetto where you live. The two by me are in the same area as “lifestyle centers” in richer neighborhoods in Mandeville and Covington. You’re miles from a neighborhood that’s “lifestyle center” doesent feature a bunch of businesses who’s signs on the facade aren’t red letters with burned out bulbs


Even the most pundiest of pundits are mindful enough to not make politics seem 'sexy' or 'alpha' in anyway. He is such a loser