When he says "ignoring them doesn't work, they double down" what he means is that he passes out drunk at 1AM wakes up at 6AM and finds that people have been tweeting about him in his absence and he has to spend the first hour of the morning prisoning them all. So to him it seems like they doubled down but really he just went to sleep. He's incapable of not responding or even seeking out the scorn. He packs his asshole with sand because he craves the hose. The only solution is for the people in his life to stop enabling him and get him help. Or cut him loose, I don't care, fuck him.Pig has never tried ignoring us. That's just a lie (that he continues to tell himself to this day). Ever since he came onto the radar, he's always been engaging in one way or another and since we've been off Reddit, he has been responding non-stop, whether it's on Twitter, Reddit or by text.
His argument that he "has to correct our lies" doesn't hold up either since nobody sees most of the texts the Reddit rascals send him but he responds to all of them too. He just has to get the last word and is addicted to the adrenalin as our pal Leslie rightly pointed out.
Lying retarded pig.