Pat's favorite ONA forums poster




boomia is under 16 layers of VPNs and 47 firewalls to have Pat notice him:

Two USA routers with different locations to use sports streaming services a 3rd with DNS proxies incase any USA VPN doesn't work at a giving time. One each on each floor of Canadian local for better service, one for the garage and one for the outer buildings. I have the USA ones spread on each floor too as I can get good service on the living room TV from any of the floor specific ones, but only I care if I use a NY one or the Phoenix one, based on games. It works for us and like I said the local IPs are all different on them. Plus I have multiple home runs to the kids bedrooms TV and video game shit. I also still have VOIP home phone which is home run up from the switch. All the routers are pretty much just used for wifi unless the kids plug in something. The only thing I have plugged in off a router is the LR TV on the Phoenix VPN one for our streaming stuff there and Met games, I use wifi on the TV if we need Canadian Netflix or something. I have 3 home runs to that spot one each for the USA and Canadian routers and the MTA is the other. I'm contemplating adding another router for the printers because my kids are always asking me to print because they can't figure out where to sign on.


So what now?
No you dumb dumb it ithn't being an inthider, it'th theeing foolth that puth there way into, to feel like inthiderth. Anybody on the outthide with half a brain realizeth you don't get involved. If the local mobthter wantth you to build a deck for hith daughter you're not winning a "powerful" friend, you're earning a never ending therieth of athkth that will make your life theirth. The fact that you think I'm claiming I potheth thome thpethial inthight ith idiotic. It'th jutht a thing that people thee if they look for it. Retardth go athking for "permithion" to thingth nobody would even notith.

The mafia nonthenthe ith dead it'th jutht a buntth of unemployable old wopth that dropped out of High Thkool who get approatthed by idiotth who want to think they're in the Godfather or the Thopranoth and they foolithly think giving thethe people acceth to their buthinetheth getth them thome thort of power, it jutht getth them broke and vampired for "favorth". Own a deli, you'll be catering 40 eventth in 2 yearth that you lothe money on and be having thome old fat wop dropping in for luntth 5 timeth a month and putting on hith account every time. Oh hell tip your employee a 20 onthe every 6 monthth to make thure the guy putth 3 Lbth of the meat you pay for on hith thandwitth that goeth on hith account he oweth 500 buckth on in 2 yearth.

Thethe thingth happen regularly to retardth that run around fantathizing about being mobthterth, of whitth none really ekthitht anymore. You know what happenth when you don't pay you gambling debt after you've lotht 50k in the patht 2 yearth and you thuddenly don't have that 2 grand thith week? Nothing you get cut off and thtart paying a vig on it ath loan and you can't gamble again. That'th a worthe penalty than being beaten up or killed. Then in a few monthth you get takth ttheck and pay up and then you lothe a few more K thith time they limit the thize of your watthr. Thith thtupid fantathy that mobthterth are bad ath ith long dead ath reality. The very fact retardth like you think I'm romantithizing that rather than pointing out puthieth that tthathe that ith proof of how many puthieth tthathe it and how common it ith for them to be thcammed by regular dudeth.

Edit - Boomiapothting needs to make a return