Pat's duplex


Once the house is totally paid off then what? Was it your dream to grow old and die surrounded by niggers in a house that was intended for like landlords to buy for the purpose of renting out to college students?
Pat and Niki probably thought it was cool that this was an apartment for college students and yuppie recent grads, since they were planning to be in a state of perpetual childless, responsibility-free adolescence. The idea of moving into a neighborhood with actual houses that families live in probably sounded gross to them.

Now they're just middle-aged worthless pieces of shit that nobody cares about. Not only that, they are not accumulating any wealth that they can pass on to their nieces and nephews. Most people who decide not to have children in order to focus on their careers or whatever end up accumulating a lot of wealth, but not these losers. They don't have shit, and they're supposed to be in their peak wealth-building years.


Reminder: Vincent D'Onofrio blocked Patrick
Google had Posts by Ghost's address listed as 2611 North Oakland just a few months ago. I assume it's listed as a business address in some tax write off scheme. We've seen how comfortable she was working the system for those PPP loans. The Google listing could've just as easily been the remnants of some wacky funster hijinks (like when it was a book store on Google maps) so who knows.


What would you do for a Klondike bar?
Google had Posts by Ghost's address listed as 2611 North Oakland just a few months ago.
Google had it because she listed it as such on her Posts by Ghost Facebook page. She changed it during the pandemic, apparently unconcerned by the Atalkers finding out where she lived.

She might not be playing with a full deck.


Google had it because she listed it as such on her Posts by Ghost Facebook page. She changed it during the pandemic, apparently unconcerned by the Atalkers finding out where she lived.

She might not be playing with a full deck.
It's still listed as their address on their website.

Salted Earth Truffle

Eric Hildeman poked my no-no hole when I was 5
That's right. They had tenants but Pat's typically fat and slovenly approach to everything fucked it up for them. Now they seem to have trouble finding new people to live in the house where the big fat dude screams his lungs out at 1:30am. Can't imagine why.
Rumor has it on the back alleys of MKE that Pat was caught peeping on the young children of their tenants. Something about a strategically placed hole in the bathroom wall. One morning, both of the little boys woke up covered in cum crust and they started having night terrors about a “pig-man” looming over them. I dunno, sounds believable to me. I get why they fled and why no one else will rent from them now.


Don't take any guff from these swine
She might not be playing with a full deck.

Definitely not playing with a full dick
