Pat's duplex


It just hit me how absolutely retarded it is to own a duplex instead of a full sized house. They don't have tenants generating income on the other unit. What the fuck is the point of living in a split house if you don't have tenants?

It's either a complete waste of half of their space, or an annoying pain in the ass to have to go outside to access the space.


Glow nigger. Got any of those IPs for me?
It just hit me how absolutely retarded it is to own a duplex instead of a full sized house. They don't have tenants generating income on the other unit. What the fuck is the point of living in a split house if you don't have tenants?

It's either a complete waste of half of their space, or an annoying pain in the ass to have to go outside to access the space.
There's some appeal if you aren't poor and can do some demo/reno. I checked out a 6000sqft farm house that had been made into a quad plex. With some work it could have been a great place.

But he's poor and stuck with a dump that can only be sold to a shitty scumbag property manager who will rent it to section 8.

He's also fat which factors into it. He likes the two kitchens so he doesn't feel guilty having 2 of each meal.


Ask me about my cock size
If you get yourself an FHA loan, some states will require you to live in the unit you're looking to buy. I know where I live; you gotta do 2 years living there, and you get a MAX loan payout of $1.8m. BUT...not bad, right? Get yourself duplex money upfront with no down payments and no financial penalties (except for pre-payments), pop a tenant in the unit WHILE you're living out the two years in the other unit, bounce after the second year, throw another tenant in the unit you used to live in and then get your own house, with the combined gross of both your incomes, plus the rental money AND the duplex being factored in as both your net worth/collateral.

I would like to know what Patrick did.
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Dan doesn't have a penis. I. Do.
I think the renters filed a complaint against him for shitty wiring or some shit before they moved out.
That's right. They had tenants but Pat's typically fat and slovenly approach to everything fucked it up for them. Now they seem to have trouble finding new people to live in the house where the big fat dude screams his lungs out at 1:30am. Can't imagine why.