
CakeHorn/Say "Cookie"/BonnieMcFarlaneMe2 Alt
What surprises me is how much of a cunt he is even to unsuspecting normies. Never a "Hi, Hello, thank you for reaching out".

Not a hint of gratitude in his replies. What an absolute scumbag fatrick is amazes me ngl.

He is always cunty and standoffish when he talks back to people.


What surprises me is how much of a cunt he is even to unsuspecting normies. Never a "Hi, Hello, thank you for reaching out".

Not a hint of gratitude in his replies. What an absolute scumbag fatrick is amazes me ngl.

He is always cunty and standoffish when he talks back to people.
This one's the worst because it's the guy who's organizing gencon for him. That's fucked up to treat him like that. He's one of Pat's people.

Harry Powell

Semen is the aggression of a man
What surprises me is how much of a cunt he is even to unsuspecting normies. Never a "Hi, Hello, thank you for reaching out".

Not a hint of gratitude in his replies. What an absolute scumbag fatrick is amazes me ngl.

He is always cunty and standoffish when he talks back to people.
It’s a symptom of being incredibly insecure / history of being bullied

And also being a fat faggot

Harry's Manly Calvester

Wetting Zoomers since 2023
What surprises me is how much of a cunt he is even to unsuspecting normies. Never a "Hi, Hello, thank you for reaching out".

Not a hint of gratitude in his replies. What an absolute scumbag fatrick is amazes me ngl.

He is always cunty and standoffish when he talks back to people.
He's never had a professional white collar job to know you use "Thanks" and exclamation points


Professional leech since 1994. Anyone can do it.
What surprises me is how much of a cunt he is even to unsuspecting normies. Never a "Hi, Hello, thank you for reaching out".

Not a hint of gratitude in his replies. What an absolute scumbag fatrick is amazes me ngl.

He is always cunty and standoffish when he talks back to people.

Seriously he’s so fucking cold and abrupt when he talks to strangers, even people who are doing things for him.

“You’ve been catfished” “correct”.

Talk like a normal person, you retard.