Patrick would let Niki or Annabelle die to save five strangers


I'm the girl u needed in Jr. High

If you wouldn't kill your wife or kids to save 2 random Chinese people, 1 random Indian, 1 random Brazilian, and 1 random lady from Ohio named Wendy, you are an immoral person and definitely not an adult like Patrick.
He's such a goddamn liar. I really hope a fucking piano falls on his lying head. If he had a split second to choose between Niki aka his meal ticket and 5 strangers, he'd save her without hesitation. If the choice was between saving Annabelle's life and getting his Twitter verification back... well, hope you like BBQ'd abandoned child, child.


Asians with southern accents
I hope none of those felony texters from reddit reach out to the Robinson family to let them know pat's disrespect of Niki has gone beyond telling the world about her medical issues and sex life and he's now publicly announcing he values her life so little he would save strangers before her.
This guy is a real piece of work. He cares so little for his child that he signed her away and now he is fine with her death. Pattycakes is a white nigger and I don’t like him.
He really doesn't give a shit about Annabelle. Anyone who can even hypothetically say they'd let their child burn to death to save 5 imaginary strangers just to win an online argument is a fucking piece of shit.


Asians with southern accents
He really doesn't give a shit about Annabelle. Anyone who can even hypothetically say they'd let their child burn to death to save 5 imaginary strangers just to win an online argument is a fucking piece of shit.
I think it's a perfect example or his retardation, autism, and sociopathy all rolled into one. He doesn't have any real human feelings or emotions, he's just trying to appear human by saying what he thinks a mature enlightened serious adult would say but he's so dumb and out of touch with reality he failed like he does with everything in his life.


Exactly. If it was a choice between one of my kids being even seriously hurt and every single one of you being slowly tortured to death it's not even a moment of contemplation, and I like a lot of you.

Do kids really change your worldview?
I imagine you would cover yourself in gasoline and light yourself on fire to save your kid's life, but I can't say I'd do the same for my sister.
maybe a self inflicted gunshot to the kneecap at most


Do kids really change your worldview?
I imagine you would cover yourself in gasoline and light yourself on fire to save your kid's life, but I can't say I'd do the same for my sister.
maybe a self inflicted gunshot to the kneecap at most
Can only speak for myself but yes. They can annoy the shit out of you and do stuff that makes you temporarily not like them but the love is unconditional.
That's his checkmate? No wonder he always loses in court
Yeah, just a blanket “5>1, child. I’m sorry you’re so immoral, I can’t help you.” Sad thing is is he’s just saying this for what he thinks will give him more internet points and so he can show off that he knows 5 is more than 1. In even a hypothetical situation he’d only save himself if there was even a hint of danger involved since he’s a pussy with the bad kind of autism where he’s just the sociopath’s awkward gay cousin.