Patrick S Tomlinson mocks someone’s death


(Voluntarily) torqued boomer
Apparently this guy went after Clinton, and Patrick cannoT ToleraTe thaT.


I cannot wait until this faggot gets his comeuppance (and I don’t even know who this Ken Starr dude was, I just think it’s such a shit thing to mock the dead when their body isn’t even cold yet).


Apparently this guy went after Clinton, and Patrick cannoT ToleraTe thaT.

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I cannot wait until this faggot gets his comeuppance (and I don’t even know who this Ken Starr dude was, I just think it’s such a shit thing to mock the dead when their body isn’t even cold yet).
Annabelle and her siblings? Probably a nicely balanced meal of proteins and vegetables with a glass of milk. Why do you ask, you fucking lunatic?


Stand Alone Fruit
Shit like this is why no one should feel sorry for anything this place does to the pig, he's the scum of the earth.
And Ken Starr is such a forgotten person, I hadn’t heard him name since the late 90s but here’s piggy thinking it’s important. The hip millennial doesn’t realize normal people don’t obsess on people in politics, especially those who haven’t been in the news in over two decades.
Apparently this guy went after Clinton, and Patrick cannoT ToleraTe thaT.

View attachment 65129

I cannot wait until this faggot gets his comeuppance (and I don’t even know who this Ken Starr dude was, I just think it’s such a shit thing to mock the dead when their body isn’t even cold yet).
He’s so faggy with his Twitter speak. He really never shuts the fuck up.


Starr had a long and illustrious juridical career, and was in consideration for a supreme court appointment in 1990 by Bush I, but wasn't considered conservative enough to make the grade. He was made lead special counsel on the team that oversaw the Whitewater investigation, the Vince Foster suicide, and the Lewinsky fiasco. None of his findings overthrew any of the preconceived notions about any of these cases. He was a essentially a center to left player for his entire career. In 2020, he was a part of the legal team that Trump used in his impeachment case. Now everyone hates him. The end.
He defended Epstein as if his life depended on it. He lost the presidency of Baylor University for covering up the rampant sexual abuse of women on campus, including a gang rape by football players. He pushed Kavanaugh into his judicial career. He's a right wing religious nut with way too many connections to rapists and child molesters for even christians, who seem to love rapists and pedos.