Patrick has gained almost 150lbs, he doesn't even look the same from 5 years ago. This is why:

Brooke Shields

Patrick Tomlinson hates me because I am a woman
Vandal Pat.gif

Look at him in this gif.
Head is 3 times smaller. His hair is always awful like an unkept granny now.
The body almost looks like a normal guy rather than a bloated barrel titted monster.

He can't hide his gay gait or the nonsense of not reacting to a light or "it's a penlight", but still, to an outsider they would think that this can't be Patrick cause Pat is so much more fucking fat now.

Well played, Piggy. Well played...

Salted Earth Truffle

Eric Hildeman poked my no-no hole when I was 5
I remember him saying (maybe to a felony phone harasser) that the unknown assailant in the video is definitely not fat. He really can't help himself. "Yes stlaker, the person in the video, you, is quite fit and attractive. This will only make prison worse for you."
No, child. The person in the video does not have a pussyhound varsity athlete for a brother. Those are your delusions again. Enjoy prison.
Why wouldn't a criminal use that ghetto dumpster alleyway to easily access the place? He walked from the front of the house to the shithole back alley "garden", he wasn't startled by the security light, and he knew exactly where the steps were in that death hazard ditch where a garage used to exist. Then he writes dumb shit with an erasable marker on one of the scooters as his precious "Susan" Rustang is left untouched.

This video really is perfect evidence of this idiot's history of falsifying evidence and lying to law enforcement and media.


Why wouldn't a criminal use that ghetto dumpster alleyway to easily access the place? He walked from the front of the house to the shithole back alley "garden", he wasn't startled by the security light, and he knew exactly where the steps were in that death hazard ditch where a garage used to exist. Then he writes dumb shit with an erasable marker on one of the scooters as his precious "Susan" Rustang is left untouched.

This video really is perfect evidence of this idiot's history of falsifying evidence and lying to law enforcement and media.
A decent amount of people who commit fraud via arson get caught because they won't burn up their really valuable/sentimental shit.


I told them to back off bcuz it wasnt their show
A decent amount of people who commit fraud via arson get caught because they won't burn up their really valuable/sentimental shit.
There was one case i listened to a while back where this guy killed his wife AND his son (two completely seperate occasions.) Burnt his wife alive in the house. Then kicked a car jack from under a car his son was working on and crushed him for their insurance payouts. One of the things that struck the detectives as odd was all of the husbands guns and valuables just so happened to be put into storage right before the house caught on fire, but they didnt have enough to press charges at the time. Obviously when the second million dollar insurance claim popped up for the son, they knew exactly what he was doing.


There was one case i listened to a while back where this guy killed his wife AND his son (two completely seperate occasions.) Burnt his wife alive in the house. Then kicked a car jack from under a car his son was working on and crushed him for their insurance payouts. One of the things that struck the detectives as odd was all of the husbands guns and valuables just so happened to be put into storage right before the house caught on fire, but they didnt have enough to press charges at the time. Obviously when the second million dollar insurance claim popped up for the son, they knew exactly what he was doing.
It's not the dad's (Karl Karlsen) fault the son was a klutz. As an aside, what I remember about that case is that after the son's death, the step-wife was willing to wear a wire to catch her husband (estranged at the time- can't remember if they had divorced yet).

He got away with killing his wife. He got greedy, and in the end, they're all greedy.

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