Pat wrote the first draft of Gate Crashers over 10 years ago


Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt
He’s too much of a narcissist to commit suicide. But rest assured, he’s still eating and drinking himself to death.
From your lips to god's ears.


Pat dying will be such a sweet relief.


Where did you get the $24k number, because as I recall it was $30k.

(And the last $30k advance he'll ever get. What did his last book sell, 300 copies, mostly pre-order? Rotsa ruck)
I believe he got a $6k advance from Angry Robot for his first book The Ark. So when you add all his advances up you get $30k, which is probably the total income he has made from writing since his books haven't earned out their advances.

Whenever he talks about receiving royalty checks, he's talking about royalties generated by the audiobook in Europe or something, which is not covered by the advance and the checks are probably less than the loose change you would find between in your couch cushions.


I believe he got a $6k advance from Angry Robot for his first book The Ark. So when you add all his advances up you get $30k, which is probably the total income he has made from writing since his books haven't earned out their advances.

Whenever he talks about receiving royalty checks, he's talking about royalties generated by the audiobook in Europe or something, which is not covered by the advance and the checks are probably less than the loose change you would find between in your couch cushions.
I'm big in Germany, child.


What would you do for a Klondike bar?
I believe he got a $6k advance from Angry Robot for his first book The Ark.
He got a $6k advance with each book from Angry Robot and has talked about it in a blog post. It's a little low, even for a first time author, but he made some noise about keeping the foreign and audiobook rights. He mentioned getting a $30k check from "his publisher" when he signed his three-book deal with Tor in a tweet which he promptly deleted, suggesting that it was factually correct and annoyed the publisher. $10k per book is about right money-wise.

He's claimed that his first three books have "earned out" their advances which I think is possible, but that must be right at the end of their sales curve. I don't believe his Tor books have earned out; and I think they made him switch from his planned trilogy to something else because the book sales were dogshit. From memory his last one sold ~250, with about 200 being pre-orders.

If the old forum ever comes back I did an autistic post trying to figure out pat's book sales, and went through all of Charlie Stross' (Tor published author) posts on the publishing industry and how they pay, as well as tracking down a database of first book sales and the advances they get.

Whenever he talks about receiving royalty checks, he's talking about royalties generated by the audiobook in Europe or something, which is not covered by the advance and the checks are probably less than the loose change you would find between in your couch cushions..
You're right; but he had to pay some poor motherfucker to read his books and translate/read them out loud first. I doubt whatever royalties he gets covers that massive upfront cost; and that's why his Tor books aren't translated.


He got a $6k advance with each book from Angry Robot and has talked about it in a blog post. It's a little low, even for a first time author, but he made some noise about keeping the foreign and audiobook rights. He mentioned getting a $30k check from "his publisher" when he signed his three-book deal with Tor in a tweet which he promptly deleted, suggesting that it was factually correct and annoyed the publisher. $10k per book is about right money-wise.

He's claimed that his first three books have "earned out" their advances which I think is possible, but that must be right at the end of their sales curve. I don't believe his Tor books have earned out; and I think they made him switch from his planned trilogy to something else because the book sales were dogshit. From memory his last one sold ~250, with about 200 being pre-orders.

If the old forum ever comes back I did an autistic post trying to figure out pat's book sales, and went through all of Charlie Stross' (Tor published author) posts on the publishing industry and how they pay, as well as tracking down a database of first book sales and the advances they get.

You're right; but he had to pay some poor motherfucker to read his books and translate/read them out loud first. I doubt whatever royalties he gets covers that massive upfront cost; and that's why his Tor books aren't translated.
They're translated-- from shit to fucking shit.