Pat still owns the shirt he was wearing the day of his arrest for threatening to murder his daughter at her birth, before then murdering his ex-wife


Portly Pepperoni Purveyor
He still owns all the clothes he has from a decade+ ago because he is a peasant with no sense of style. Its all just 3 sizes too small.
All his 'new' stuff seems to be beer promo giveaway stuff ala Joe and his COD merch.
(At least, I hope he got it for free, only the rubiest of rubes would pay for garbage like that.)

His school shooter matrix trenchcoat is likely the most expensive item of clothing he owns.
Bought 15 years after the fad died out, he just has to hang onto it for another 25 years and it may be back in fashion again.
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Stand Alone Fruit
I’ve said before but another reason he can’t get a job is he would have to buy “adult” clothes for any decent job (dress shirts / pants / ties / dress shoes / etc) and can’t afford it even with Kohls Cash. He owns only 1-2 dress clothes outfits, I bet he doesn’t even own dress socks.


Stand Alone Fruit
He’s so fucking drunk tonight.
View attachment 136639
My god he was shit faced! Also what the fuck is wrong with her? One minute she all about being a film student and “creating” yet can’t even come up with an idea for a short film featuring her own kids! Why not let the kids come up with something? It really sounds like she’s a shitty mother and making her kids do this since they obviously don’t want to since she asking weirdos on twitter for ideas. She’s a “creative” yet is void of creativity.


Joe's Filipino Supervisor
Nice deleting your same thread about this for seemingly no reason, stupid.
Now I'm going to have to copy-paste my reply since you confusingly deleted it while I was writing my comment but I thought what I said was funny:

What's he implying by non-sequiturly stating that he still has it?

That it's been so long ago but he still has it?
Or that, like a woman with a wedding dress, is implying that he can still fit in it?

or that he plans to confess to a loved one that he will murder a pregnant wifee of his again?


I better get a reply OP
He'd look like a stuffed sausage if he put that shirt back on