Pat is truly dangerous and not oriented to reality



This fat retard is receiving annoying texts and tweets because he voluntarily decided to broadcast nearly every idea that comes into his head. The only reason must be some of the worst narcissism in a person ever. He has failed at just about everything he touches from HS to being a parent and only because he lacks any self awareness to not say horrible things and media's obsession with hot liberal takes he managed to gain some internet notoriety as a half assed pundit. That too evaporated under the weight of his stupidity as the vast majority of what he wrote was poorly written and researched. He's now finished as anything but a future cautionary tale to how easy it is to confuse internet fame with ability.

The worst part of all this larping though is when he larps as some sort of conscience of the people. This guy that wants executions for bad book reviews and mean texts and tweets is talking about people lacking empathy for niggers and spics sport hunting whites under the guise that they are in poverty despite often being criminals with huge cash rolls in their pockets from their crimes that they waste on sneakers and sweat clothes. The lack of self awareness to believe that ghetto thugs deserve sympathy while demanding we be imprisoned for calling him fat is maybe the most insane thing he has ever said.

Muh homeboy only wants some gibs you monsters dare to laugh at me.
pat loves niggers.png

Gay Faggot.

I am Dan.
Yes, let’s identify the underlying socioeconomic problems. The government hands out money to niggers, for free, because democrats feel bad. The police then harass them because they have no reason to work, so they get into trouble. If they get a job, they lose welfare. So why work? If the cops stopped harassing them, they’d just commit more crimes, because, why not? If you take away welfare, liberals will feel bad. You’re just as guilty as every fucking republican you fucking faggot.


Yes, let’s identify the underlying socioeconomic problems. The government hands out money to niggers, for free, because democrats feel bad. The police then harass them because they have no reason to work, so they get into trouble. If they get a job, they lose welfare. So why work? If the cops stopped harassing them, they’d just commit more crimes, because, why not? If you take away welfare, liberals will feel bad. You’re just as guilty as every fucking republican you fucking faggot.
How come he isn't worried about our underlying causes for texting? Maybe some better comedy out there might drag me away from texting him, gibs me some funny midder predident.
Yes, let’s identify the underlying socioeconomic problems. The government hands out money to niggers, for free, because democrats feel bad. The police then harass them because they have no reason to work, so they get into trouble. If they get a job, they lose welfare. So why work? If the cops stopped harassing them, they’d just commit more crimes, because, why not? If you take away welfare, liberals will feel bad. You’re just as guilty as every fucking republican you fucking faggot.
I’m pretty fawkin right wing, but this place should be a refuge from shitty political Cumia-esque postings that make LIBTARDS cry, so I’m not gonna bore people with a manifesto.

Pat is fat. Enough said.

Gay Faggot.

I am Dan.
I’m pretty fawkin right wing, but this place should be a refuge from shitty political Cumia-esque postings that make LIBTARDS cry, so I’m not gonna bore people with a manifesto.

Pat is fat. Enough said.
By all means, go ahead. Plenty of us do. The difference is we can faaawkin laugh and still bring the funny. Only a cumia complains about niggers while pretending he’s being funny.


Shane Noakes' rabbi raped his 9 year old dick off.
Yes, let’s identify the underlying socioeconomic problems. The government Kikes hands out White's money to niggers, subsidizing the overproduction of fatherless, worthless niggers while penalizing White fathers via divorce court. for free, because democrats feel bad. The police then harass them because they have no reason to work, so they get into trouble. If they get a job, they lose welfare. So why work? If the cops stopped harassing them, they’d just commit more crimes, because, why not? If you take away welfare, liberals will feel bad. You’re just as guilty as every fucking republican you fucking faggot. > liberal faggot explanation for the non jew-woke.


This fat retard is receiving annoying texts and tweets because he voluntarily decided to broadcast nearly every idea that comes into his head. The only reason must be some of the worst narcissism in a person ever. He has failed at just about everything he touches from HS to being a parent and only because he lacks any self awareness to not say horrible things and media's obsession with hot liberal takes he managed to gain some internet notoriety as a half assed pundit. That too evaporated under the weight of his stupidity as the vast majority of what he wrote was poorly written and researched. He's now finished as anything but a future cautionary tale to how easy it is to confuse internet fame with ability.

The worst part of all this larping though is when he larps as some sort of conscience of the people. This guy that wants executions for bad book reviews and mean texts and tweets is talking about people lacking empathy for niggers and spics sport hunting whites under the guise that they are in poverty despite often being criminals with huge cash rolls in their pockets from their crimes that they waste on sneakers and sweat clothes. The lack of self awareness to believe that ghetto thugs deserve sympathy while demanding we be imprisoned for calling him fat is maybe the most insane thing he has ever said.

Muh homeboy only wants some gibs you monsters dare to laugh at me.
@The Torquis de Lard , if you please
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Dan doesn't have a penis. I. Do.
Just to confirm this bit of Patlogic:

Blacks and Hispanics stealing, mugging, shooting, robbing, vandalizing, raping, stabbing, etc. is all the fault of white people and thus should be treated with leniency whereas, some whites, a black and at least a couple of Hispanics (and, let's face it, probably a secret Jew or two who daren't mention it) calling you a fat fucking idiot on the internet because you act like a cunt is still all our fault and we should all be imprisoned for life no matter what we've actually done individually?

Makes sense, Pat. That 1.7 retard brain is killing it as usual.