Pat is killing it on r/autism


The herd needs to be thinned. What a bunch of weak faggots.


Reminder: Vincent D'Onofrio blocked Patrick
That picture isn't a selfie, so he must've got one of the other nurses in the room to take that for him. Imagine fucking doing that.

Fat retard.
In the midst of the biggest pandemic of his lifetime, Fatrick was willing to ask overworked healthcare workers to take the time to snap a pic of him getting a shot like a big boy for The Gram. And why isn't he masked? He's not even fully vaccinated here but was willing to go maskless just to showcase the fish lips? Why isn't he trusting the science?


Gargles Aids Piss
"See! I'm not a Trumptard!"

LOL. Donald Trump is Zionist scum who basically did reverse psychology on people who NEVER would have taken that shot under Obama. Congrats Pat. You showed him!

Meanwhile 3 months of Pfizer data shows that 1,200 people died out of 43,000. Assuming that is the worse case scenario ,that means against the US population at least 300,000 people died quickly as a result from this "vaccine." LOL. He tricked you into playing Russian roulette with your own life just so you could show off your political bias.

Pat is a retard.