Pat gets in a fight, ACTION PAT returns!

Brooke Shields

Patrick Tomlinson hates me because I am a woman
I can’t imagine living like this let alone being proud of such behavior. What kind of life is it? Being nasty to random people online? Picking fights with complete strangers for what? Being terminally online and not just across all platforms, but being obsessed with one platform in particular and you hate the person who owns this platform.

I’ve also never seen someone get so much of what they deserve. The universe has been trying to teach Rick a lesson for 6 years and he hasn’t learned a god damn thing.
You ever get in a small spat with someone, privately, over X-box live or something after doing shittily in a game? If I'd look at the messages later I'd think "God that was gay. Why'd I even write back at them?"

Patrick does the opposite with his real name and real fat face multiple times 24/7/365 , it's insane the lack of shame & introspection he has


Dan doesn't have a penis. I. Do.

Harry Powell

You’re the girl I needed in jr. high
He also says everyone is gullible when they read his own tweets that make him look bad. It’s like some retarded Jedi mind trick to him.
What Pat does is similar to the concept of “professional arrogance” that they teach in Boiler Rooms.

You simply act above the situation and as if you’ve got it figured out and the other person is a retard, as if you’re irritated by their obvious stupidity. If you sell it well enough they doubt their position. The problem is Fatso isn’t good at it.

Harry Powell

You’re the girl I needed in jr. high
Paid $5,000 to get his account back only for them to reinstate it without the blue check which didn't belong there in the first place. He's still seething over that every time he sees accounts with "legacy" blue checks. Xitter has deeply negatively affected his already unstable mental health. Normal adults with self awareness would be embarrassed to be this emotionally invested in a social media account. His whole life revolves around his local bars, his practically worthless Rustang, his Made in Thailand scooter, and his Xitter account.

All of those elements are support beams propping up his StealthyGeek persona. That’s why he becomes enraged when any of those are subject to narcissistic injury


I hope people Ouija you tweets after your dead
All of those elements are support beams propping up his StealthyGeek persona. That’s why he becomes enraged when any of those are subject to narcissistic injury
His denial about his shitty car with its 200k miles and stock paint and rusted undercarriage and replacement bumper makes me legit pissy. All he’d have to do is not mention it.
"If you don't watch CNN, where do you get your ideas from?".



junkie idiot 😘
What Pat does is similar to the concept of “professional arrogance” that they teach in Boiler Rooms.

You simply act above the situation and as if you’ve got it figured out and the other person is a retard, as if you’re irritated by their obvious stupidity. If you sell it well enough they doubt their position. The problem is Fatso isn’t good at it.
That’s retarded and you’re a dumb faggot for parroting that nonsense.