If you adhere to the maxim that the enemy of your enemy is your friend, then your friend is an ahistorical, victim-blaming pro-Semite who peddles lies that run cover for evil jews who victimized Germans.
He also denounces people working together for a common cause (he literally says he hates ALL collectivism), and like all lolbertarians thinks jews should have the right to try to indoctrinate, brainwash, and marginalize you and your children, because of muh free market of ideas.
The issue with this is that we cannot compete against a multitrillion dollar tidal wave of misinformation and disinformation assaulting us from every direction. NOBODY can stand up to it. This is why many even among the most devout and insular groups like Mormons, Amish, Muslims, Jehovah's Witnesses, etc., are increasingly falling victim to libtard ideologies and their lies.
When it's you against every Hollywood movie, every show, every advertisement, every MSM "news" outlet, every mainstream political party, every company in Silicon Valley (even Uber, Lyft, DoorDash, OkCupid, etc.), every mainstream social media app/site, every school district, every Fortune 500 company, etc., you cannot protect your kids or even your other family members. It is EVERYwhere.
Pellegrino says we should let them, even though we're losing harder and harder, because if we prevented them from subverting and destroying us, it would be immoral. LOL
Brotha man, just because a guy gives a few ball shots to Pat, doesn't mean he's not your enemy. Fuck Mark AND Pat, just enjoy two jew-loving, Nazi-demonizing assholes fighting.