Pat faked the voicemail


This doesn't really get enough attention. Pat was under the impression that an ex cop was harassing him and that his walls were closing in with a lawsuit and the Huffington Post closing in on him. The ex cop, in desperation dropped the online anonymity and left a voicemail stating that even though he wasn't on the force anymore he could still get to him.

The problem is it was all a sham and there was no cop. Only a handful of people at the time knew of a cop (believed to be real or a troll). So who could have possibly left the voicemail that sounded suspiciously like Patrick doing a voice?


Shane Noakes' rabbi raped his 9 year old dick off.
This doesn't really get enough attention. Pat was under the impression that an ex cop was harassing him and that his walls were closing in with a lawsuit and the Huffington Post closing in on him. The ex cop, in desperation dropped the online anonymity and left a voicemail stating that even though he wasn't on the force anymore he could still get to him.

The problem is it was all a sham and there was no cop. Only a handful of people at the time knew of a cop (believed to be real or a troll). So who could have possibly left the voicemail that sounded suspiciously like Patrick doing a voice?

No child, I was playing 1.2 D chess, child.


Dan doesn't have a penis. I. Do.
He either used audio distortion or got a friend to do it. Since he doesn't have friends I am inclined to believe the former
I don't even think he went that far. It's just Pat doing "A Voice." It was immediately obvious to me that it was Pat displaying his acting chops. The 1800's era Evil Laugh just sealed the deal because only an absolute fucking imbecile would think that's how Bad People laugh. I like to imagine he was twirling an imaginary mustache when he did it.

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
This doesn't really get enough attention. Pat was under the impression that an ex cop was harassing him and that his walls were closing in with a lawsuit and the Huffington Post closing in on him. The ex cop, in desperation dropped the online anonymity and left a voicemail stating that even though he wasn't on the force anymore he could still get to him.

The problem is it was all a sham and there was no cop. Only a handful of people at the time knew of a cop (believed to be real or a troll). So who could have possibly left the voicemail that sounded suspiciously like Patrick doing a voice?
It is another glaring example of pat trying to fabricate evidence. there were only few people that even knew about the cop catfish. For that message to even be made was pretty much pat getting caught red handed.


Hahaha holee shit I completely forgot about this and never paid much attention to it. I just went back to listen to them and... holy shit it's fucking him.
-The Midwestern accent, just like Fatrick
-The way he says "Patrick," "fucking," and "pedophile," in the exact same tone and cadence as Fatrick
-The faggy emphasis on his Ts, just like Fatrick
-The exaggerated fake evil laugh is something that only a complete sociopath like Fatrick could muster up



Hahaha I completely forgot about this and never paid much attention to it. I just went back to listen to them and... holy shit it's fucking him.
-The Midwestern accent, just like Fatrick
-The way he says "Patrick," "fucking," and "pedophile," just like Fatrick
-The exaggerated fake evil laugh is something only a complete sociopath like Fatrick could muster up

[URL unfurl="true"][/URL]
I listened yeaterday and there's a bit where he drops the voice completely and sounds exactly like him. He is a moronic weasel.


What would you do for a Klondike bar?
The problem is it was all a sham and there was no cop. Only a handful of people at the time knew of a cop (believed to be real or a troll). So who could have possibly left the voicemail that sounded suspiciously like Patrick doing a voice?
I suspect that Technicality Tomlinson hasn't lodged those death threats with police, and so the police aren't looking into them.

So, to recap:
  • We have a real-life cop that's never heard of Pat, calling up Pat and making death threats.
  • There are only a handful of people who know of a link between Pat and this real-life cop; Pat makes up nearly 40% of these people by weight. The remaining 60% seem to be more interested in pranking Pat than threatening him, and have gone to considerable lengths to do so. If they actually wanted to threaten Pat, why not just do it?
  • Pat has not given these totally-real death threats to police, even though he honestly believes the culprit is a neo-Nazi police officer who has killed before.
Something just doesn't add up; and I just can't put my finger on why....


Hahaha holee shit I completely forgot about this and never paid much attention to it. I just went back to listen to them and... holy shit it's fucking him.
-The Midwestern accent, just like Fatrick
-The way he says "Patrick," "fucking," and "pedophile," in the exact same tone and cadence as Fatrick
-The faggy emphasis on his Ts, just like Fatrick
-The exaggerated fake evil laugh is something that only a complete sociopath like Fatrick could muster up

Why is there such a long section of white noise before he starts speaking? Whose voicemail does that? 😆


12 paramedics couldnt save ur fuckin life boy
Hahaha holee shit I completely forgot about this and never paid much attention to it. I just went back to listen to them and... holy shit it's fucking him.
-The Midwestern accent, just like Fatrick
-The way he says "Patrick," "fucking," and "pedophile," in the exact same tone and cadence as Fatrick
-The faggy emphasis on his Ts, just like Fatrick
-The exaggerated fake evil laugh is something that only a complete sociopath like Fatrick could muster up

It's just him doing a slightly deeper voice. Doesn't even bother with an accent. Do a Boomia impression next time.


I don't even think he went that far. It's just Pat doing "A Voice." It was immediately obvious to me that it was Pat displaying his acting chops. The 1800's era Evil Laugh just sealed the deal because only an absolute fucking imbecile would think that's how Bad People laugh. I like to imagine he was twirling an imaginary mustache when he did it.
Ahh not a fan of 1930's serials are ya? The important thing to remember is these voicemails and the "vandalism" recording were created to give to a "reporter" who didn't know Patrick, he didn't care because it boosted his story. That's why the swattings keep coming too. Pat got away with fake evidence before but he seems to think Josiah and the cops are equal. They will catch hime with the swattings. He's just thinking after the KF thing they'll now take down ONA and somehow is debt will be declared invalid. He's retarded.


Dan doesn't have a penis. I. Do.
Ahh not a fan of 1930's serials are ya? The important thing to remember is these voicemails and the "vandalism" recording were created to give to a "reporter" who didn't know Patrick, he didn't care because it boosted his story. That's why the swattings keep coming too. Pat got away with fake evidence before but he seems to think Josiah and the cops are equal. They will catch hime with the swattings. He's just thinking after the KF thing they'll now take down ONA and somehow is debt will be declared invalid. He's retarded.
I only vaguely remember seeing that stuff when I was a kid and I have no idea how or where. But yeah, from that last voicemail Pat was apparently imagining Canyon Boykin wearing a Zorro mask and tying Niki to the train tracks while Torque Wheeler rides in on a Triumph to save the day.